please help!! Bud Problem with pics!!


Well-Known Member
true words bro, thank you for taking the time!!
No problem bro just trying to help another out ya know?

HOLY SHIT DOOD! r u reading my mind, i learned from reading a bunch of UB's thread about the N in flowering, and always wondered y the foliage tends to fall off, then took UB's advise and added sum veg nutes (a light dose, 3 ml) to my flowering solution. it has iimproved the health of my plants greatly in flowering, except one of them, i think theres a flaw in its genetics tho, ive had issues with the mother of it too, tried EVERYTHING, im rambling. :lol: oops my bad
Haha I wish I had that power lol. It seems there are ALOT of opinions on this subject personally I choose to up the N during this important stretch time to help with the stretch. It only benefits you in the long run. Also keeping this in mind your whole grow helps as well: Keep the mindset that whatever you do to your plants from DAY 1 is gonna affect the yeild. If you do so you'll have a great grow and harvest every time.



Well-Known Member
OK i have a few thoughts on this. I did skip pages 4,5 & 6 of this thread so dont scream at me if im repeating something someone else already said. I think what your seeing (judging by pics and info you have provided) is a deficiency (Mostly N, but probably everything). You say those plants are 3-5 weeks from harvest correct? They have already turned all kinds of colors which you will usually see towards the end of harvest as a result of discontinuing nutes. Your leaves WILL begin to die and fall off if you are not fertilizing your plants enough. Your temps do seem to be a little on the low side, but not so bad that they would cause the problems i see in the pics. if your ph is what you say it is, then that shouldnt be the problem either. What i would reccomend is starting from the beggining. Flush the plants with A MILD NUTRIENT SOLUTION 3x the volume of your container. NOT PLAIN WATER, WEAK NUTRIENTS. After the flush, immediatly fertiilize using 1/2-3/4 strength and move up from there. This hopefully should solve your problems? If not ill be lurking around to see what happens


Well-Known Member
i believe there are many things going on here. 1rst -your soil mix is to high in nutes, then you add more nute to it when you feed. I would bet that if you got a ppm meter and tested your run off its up in the numbers, witch you get the burn, and then you get nute lock out, 2nd- then theres a your pot size, root bound, when you pull these plants i bet the roots have taken all the room up in soil, this is not the first time its happen to you so , its your mix no dout. 3rd- in flushing use 3 times the amount of water that your pot can handle. 1gal pot use 3 galons of water. this is were you can check your run off, to see how high your ppm is. i would start there. the more you flush them the lower the ppm will get. but let them dry up a bit before you flush again. my addvice would be go with a soil you dont half to mix, like fox farm ocean forest.


Well-Known Member
I'D say cold temps, but to be on the safe side flush them, for 1.5 weeks with PH balanced h2o only try n keep your heating within 2 degrees up or down, is there mould on the bud??? cos humidity could play a key factor here to! - STELTHY


Well-Known Member
thank you every one, i thought i was getting better at growing as i have had afew crops, but this has made me realise i can still lose everything.

Looks like light bleaching on the very top. Could also be heat stress. Do you have a fan blowing over the very tops? A vortex cooling the light/room is great but air movement around the buds will help with pockets of hot air around the buds.

The top of the plant looks like nute burn. Especially since the bud-leaf is crispy. I would say if your in soil to use a a fairly neutral mix as far as organic nute load and rely on your feedings to control what the plant gets. It is easier to fix problems when you have more control.

Could also be just lacking the proper nutrients (N) at the right time. Uncle Ben is not the only one that knows plants need N during flower. Advanced Nutrient mixes all carry N in the flower mix as well... so this advice is nothing new.

I would try a different soil mix on the next round and monitor closely what you are giving them. The super white portion on the top of your bud is light bleaching so it needs more distance regardless of temp.

Indoor Don

Active Member
Thank you everyone for all your remarks, i do have a fan blowing on top of the top along with a 6" cooling the light and a 4", both vortex, blowing out air and filtering with carbon filter. RH is about 30, so i dont think its that. my heat says max of 27 C which should not mean heat stress, so i guess we can safly say it is either i gave to much nutes in the soil, coupled with the fact that perhaps the containers are too small causing root bound and lock out. OR because i started giving them only water afew weeks ago they are deficent of nutes.

Two tottally different possibiites, so lets have at it, lol


Well-Known Member
Thank you everyone for all your remarks, i do have a fan blowing on top of the top along with a 6" cooling the light and a 4", both vortex, blowing out air and filtering with carbon filter. RH is about 30, so i dont think its that. my heat says max of 27 C which should not mean heat stress, so i guess we can safly say it is either i gave to much nutes in the soil, coupled with the fact that perhaps the containers are too small causing root bound and lock out. OR because i started giving them only water afew weeks ago they are deficent of nutes.

Two tottally different possibiites, so lets have at it, lol

Even if you dont have heat issues you def have light bleaching. How close is your light? Regardless of temps buds will get bleached. In my past experience they become more prone to doing so after being over-nuted. So I guess my vote is they got a bit too much nutrient. They still look great besides the very top. I would just back off a bit on the nute loads next time and see it that is it. Also... what is exactly in your new soil mix?

Indoor Don

Active Member
Even if you dont have heat issues you def have light bleaching. How close is your light? Regardless of temps buds will get bleached. In my past experience they become more prone to doing so after being over-nuted. So I guess my vote is they got a bit too much nutrient. They still look great besides the very top. I would just back off a bit on the nute loads next time and see it that is it. Also... what is exactly in your new soil mix?

Thank you, i have a maverik air cooled relector with a glass front, so i have just been letting the plants get as close to that glass hey wanted thinking the more light the better, what you say makes sense though, so i may bring the light up afew hooks on the chain.

As for the soil the grow guy normally mixes it for me but he threw out his back so he gave me everything i needed, i can't remeber the amounts exactly, but as he has done it many times, and many times for me, i know he knows what he is at. so anyway the soil had

bat guano
earthworm castings
lime? or something to that effect
shrimp compost
and i think that is it


Well-Known Member
Thank you, i have a maverik air cooled relector with a glass front, so i have just been letting the plants get as close to that glass hey wanted thinking the more light the better, what you say makes sense though, so i may bring the light up afew hooks on the chain.

As for the soil the grow guy normally mixes it for me but he threw out his back so he gave me everything i needed, i can't remeber the amounts exactly, but as he has done it many times, and many times for me, i know he knows what he is at. so anyway the soil had

bat guano
earthworm castings
lime? or something to that effect
shrimp compost
and i think that is it
Yup... pull that light up about 6" off the tops. I think that will fix it. Without amounts its hard to know but I bet your soil is fine. With what is in that you really dont need too much in the way nutrients... at least not for a good little bit. I would raise the light and then just watch for deficiencies before feeding any nutrient. When starting the nutrient feedings again I would start at 1/4 to 1/3 to be safe. Still great looking buds. +rep for you. :)

Indoor Don

Active Member
Yup... pull that light up about 6" off the tops. I think that will fix it. Without amounts its hard to know but I bet your soil is fine. With what is in that you really dont need too much in the way nutrients... at least not for a good little bit. I would raise the light and then just watch for deficiencies before feeding any nutrient. When starting the nutrient feedings again I would start at 1/4 to 1/3 to be safe. Still great looking buds. +rep for you. :)

no man, +rep for your insight.

I just changed my room around alittle, and swept while i had the chance, lol. here is what it looks like with the relector raised and an extra 16" osc fan in addition to the 12" osc i have and the Vortex, i took out the vortex that was exchausting and filtering for now.

