Please help,cfls to close to leaves, curling down and plant attacked by dog !!!


Well-Known Member
i didnt say he was vicious but he has now been labeled as c*nt for a brief period...ill up a pick when hes released from his torture cell tomorrow............................
Its hard to suggest what to do you will have to brake down your set up
Ie pot or tray size
Size of room
How you feed drip, flood, manual feed
Temp humidity
Size of plant in inches
How many
How much per ltr ie 7ml per 1ltr
Feeding shedule. If the leaf is curling down usual sign the stomata is not working so lock out from over feeding or over feeding let me know these questions and ill see


Active Member
i didnt say he was vicious but he has now been labeled as c*nt for a brief period...ill up a pick when hes released from his torture cell tomorrow............................
I've just got this image in my head, vicious only because he attacked your plant. I'm sure your dog is lovely..minus the eating plants part


Well-Known Member
more than likely what is making your leaves curl under like that is over fertilization. like I said for your first runs in your first time using in detriot never run them at the 100 percent strength like the label says. always start off slow I would not recommend getting within 3 to 5 cc's per gallon of what the label says. like I said you experiment with each grow you had a tad bit more nutrients down the line until you figure out what is the maximum amount you can add with your particular strain


Well-Known Member
I know im a noob but im pretty certain the curling isnt down to nutes as i say ive only used nutes for 3 feeds , one 1/4 dose ,one half dose, one full dose but the curling was there before the full dose was given . I didnt realise at the time , i thought the curling was due to the lack of knowledge of watering and would pick up (obviously not)

Its only the fan leaves at the top of the plant that seemed to have curled, thinking about it could this have been caused when it had almost 2 days with insufficient heat and light when my 200watt cfl blew ? I am grateful for all replies and have realised i should be keeping tabs on everything for future grows. Can i use canna pk 13/14 along side bio bizz (obviously i dont mean in the same feed) or would it be pointless at this stage? I still never had any feedback on the ace of buds either, anyone used it?

I dont want to fry the shit out of my plant just wondering what i can and cant use at the same time.

Again any advice taken on board and appreciated :)


Well-Known Member
Im using bio bizz bloom (organic ?) also i just been up and the temp in my closet was just over 80 degrees farenheit ,so maybe was heat after all, ive cranked the door open to let it cool , could this have caused the curling ? maybe need to sort better air control?

Feeding tomorrow so if someone could advise on nutes , been feeding bio bizz bloom as described in thread , but also have ace of buds and canna pk 13/14?