Please help diagnose.


Active Member
So in the past couple days I've started seeing these spots and I'm not sure why. I haven't changed anything about the watering schedule or the amount of nutes I'm feeding them. This plant has been my healthiest and the buds on it look great. Is this something I should worry about? Thanks for any and all advice.



Well-Known Member
Everything is monochromatic. Shut off the grow lights for a couple secs and shoot regular pictures so we can see the damaged areas.


Well-Known Member
Can't really see color which would be nice. Turn off the HPS and take some clearer shots and that would make it easier to help. Peace


Well-Known Member
those buds look pretty swollen, are they fairly close to being ready for harvest? The fan leaves will naturally start to change color at the end of the plants life. Just think of it as if its fall for your plants


Well-Known Member
I would cut those fan leaves off and leave every thing alone as long as the bud is healthy your looking you all good. I know a lot of growers that lose 25 % of leaves like you are gona . no biggie, quick tip when you start to flush , cut every leaf off so all the buds are exposed to the light better more sugar on the buds and light gets to the bottom


Well-Known Member
KOA330... you are 8 weeks into flower....
Your plants are getting completed...
This is what plants look like when nearing an end...
The plant is using up all it's nutes, from the whole plant to make and fatten the buds...
Those leaves are done... They are not helping plant if they are dead... leave till more dead...
Buds look good...
Just a little 'N' needed, you prob been feeding her with lower "N" of the NPK... right ?
Leaves need more N till the end... to stay green. Now if you are giving plenty of N, then you tell us, read your plant, what did you do, five or six days ago...
My guess, is you have always pulled those leaves on your past grows...before the leaf looked like that...
Good Luck man... I say:


Well-Known Member
looks like classic nitrogen def to me, not somethign to worry to much about at the end of flowering. dont pull the leaves off though, your plant is eating them for there stored nutrients and ripping them off would just make more leaves turn yellow. when they are no longer of use to the plant they will fall off naturaly


Active Member
Get yourself some Calmag looks to be a bit advanced so the typical 5ml/gal my need to be upped to 10ml/gal but be careful and test your ppm as calmag will raise it quickly.


Well-Known Member
They are fine some strains do this at the end of flower. The 12/12 light cycle fools your plants into thinking it is the end of summer/fall time of the year and this is what non evergreen plants do in the fall if you where only a couple weeks into flower this would be a issue but you are almost ready to chop so no worries.