please help!! did i force my plant into flowering

i had my plant for about 7 weeks indoor under fluorescent light. it was about 3 feet. i thought that was enough time before i move it into the flowering stage which i thought 12 hour light on and 12 off. but the next day my plants top was falling down and all the stems started dying out. and some of the leafs totally died. it was so damaged that after i left the light back on for 18 hours on there was no difference. when i squeezed the main stem it was soft and the color turned to grayish. it was like there was no juice in it if u no wat i am trying to say. so i wanted to know if that was because of my light change or was it something else. i do not want to make the same mistake again because i have 2 beautiful plants outside (AMS and haze) that are very healthy and 1.5 feet tall so far and when it is time to flower i wanted to take it inside and put it under a hps bulb with air ventilation out the window.. and is it true to leave the plant in dark for about 24 to 48 hours light off before changing the cycle to 12 on 12 off? any advice or tips?.. :joint::joint::joint::joint::joint::joint::joint::joint::joint::joint::joint::joint::joint::joint::joint::joint::joint::joint::joint::joint::joint::joint::joint::joint::joint::joint::joint::joint::joint:


Active Member
can you post some pic?? help us help you :)... but i dont think you forced it into flowering 7weeks of veg should be more than enough time


Well-Known Member
you can flower with any light buds wont be as nice or big tho
and even that isnt completely true =D

my nugs for example only display half that sterotype, and it could be due to the size i grew them to. started flower at about 10", now they stand barely at 20"., but the nugs are quite dense indeed (check Bagseed journal) all done under t5HO Fluoros
thnks everyone but i think i found the reason.. it wasnt the light change. i believe i watered it too much and thn left it under the light and it was pretty hot and close.. i relized it because the same happened jus today when yesterday it was like 90 degrees outside sun blazing and i watered my plant that i had outside (AMS and HAZE) with lots of water. and left it under the hot sun.. my plants outside was lookin perfect till i did this yesterday. i basically fried it. the plants didnt fully die like it did with my plants that i had indoor. so i hope my babys dont die.. this is my first time so im not that mad.. im learning from my mistakes.. ill put up pics so this way i can be sure that is the problem.


Well-Known Member
thanks everyone but i think i found the reason.. it wasn't the light change. i believe i watered it too much and then left it under the light and it was pretty hot and close.. i realized it because the same happened just today when yesterday it was like 90 degrees outside sun blazing and i watered my plant that i had outside (AMS and HAZE) with lots of water. and left it under the hot sun.. my plants outside was looking perfect till i did this yesterday. i basically fried it. the plants didn't fully die like it did with my plants that i had indoor. so i hope my baby's dont die.. this is my first time so i am not that mad.. i am learning from my mistakes.. ill put up pics so this way i can be sure that is the problem.
Are you moving your plants from indoors to outdoors? if yes than dont they cant handle that and it will stress them out.
i already started my new ones.. this time ill be more careful. and no i do not move them in and out. i had one that was indoor and 2 that was outdoor.. they stayed in there place the whole time. they was doing perfect untill i watered it on a 95 degree weather around 3 pm so the sun was beaming hard and burned the plants.. if thats wat u call stem rot thn yea it looked all dead and gray color.