Please help don't know what to do with damaged or shocked plant.


So earlier today i moved two 2 1/2 week old veg plants into a new bucket of soil. One was looks fine and the other one about an hour later drooped incredibly and the stems of the leaves closer to the stalk turned purple and red. Could it be dead or just in shock from being transplanted? Thanks.


Well-Known Member
might of banged the roots up a bit,

did you transfer into soil that nutrients in it already?

move out of the direct light and give it a rest for until you know whats up.


Well-Known Member
pardon me for that coho, did mean to walk on your post, was writing when your post came in.


The previous bucket it was in had FFOF and the new bucket has the same, No nutes. After transplanting them i saw a little bit off root structure left behind from the plant that isn't looking good, but not a large amount of roots were torn off. Could just a small amount of the roots being torn off cause a lot of damage? pics on their way


Can't really really see the purple but its there and in the same place on the set of leaves beneath are red.


looks like just some shock in my opinion....
dont freak out just yet.
if all you see is a stick with all leaves flopped .... then you can begin crying. lol

i say if you already watered, just make sure you're soil is moist and keep an eye out. she should start looking better soon.
give a little time though. just make sure all your marbles are in place, and she'll take care of the rest.