Please help..drug test coming up


iigt guys well i have my piss test 2moro hopefully ill pass......dis is what i did so far......drank a shit load of water.....and then sum, drank sum cranbery juice, and even took 1 flush pill saturday so i hope dat helps, and today ima chug a couple more bottles of water and take another flush pill, den 2moro ima take a at home drug test and hope i pass it =/.....


terminator gold is the drink i use. i got drunk and stoned the night before and still passed, but i have a really high metabolism too. it works just like drinking a shitload of water but, the reason they MIGHT re-test you for it being clear is because it is to diluted. they test the level of creatine in your piss to measure the dilution but this drink terminator gold has a bunch of creatine in it so i drink the creatine drink, then drink a bunch of water (not really a bunch but just enough to dilute it like 20-30oz) and it dilutes my piss but adds the creatine and SOME color. worked for me once and im bout to do it again tomorrow. oh yeah i also get the over 200lbs one so i dont have to quit 3 days before. but im a little guy with a high metabolism so it might just be me and im wasting 40 bucks. i dont know. i know alcohol lowers thc levels in your blood. i think there was a test on where i read that. working out burns the fat which stores the pot so if you have a weeks notice that'd probably be the best way. but drink a lot so you can piss out all the pot you burned off your fat. lmao