please help emergency! Whats wrong with my plants

Hi all, This is my 3rd grow the first time i handled more then one plant at a time. only problems i have had with the others are stretching and claw leaves. never the less i completed the grow(s) with some pretty okay bud. so i had some rusty leaf problems so i figured (p) defncy. i was using some mild 7-7-7 nutes for veg. now they are at the beginning flower so i went out and got so real good nutes witch are 0-10-10 i figured it will also help the (P) defncy. Anyway on one plant the bottom leaves are almost crispy and curling up. and the other after i water them a day later the bottom leases and stems are like dead they are almost soggy like and the stems fell rite off the plant with out barely touching it. some of the others the tips are blackish. anyway i got some pics please help


If i just lost a few bottom stems and leaves i am cool but i want to know if this will spred. and if so how can i help my plant. the top of the plant seems happyish
no they are all bottom leaves. there is light shine on the bottom but no lights them selves. def not heat. if u see a few burns on the top its because i didnt raise the lights that day and it grew fast.
it looks like what you said, a phosphorus deficiency. Since you've been treating it and it sounds like it's getting worse, then i would say check your pH. Phosphorus is an easy one to lock out when your soil is acidic, and a lot of nutes can be slightly acidic and making the problem worse. If you can check your pH. I would reccomend letting the soil dry up as much as you can (unless the horrible death starts spreading so fast that you can't wait any longer) and then flush her with just water. the rule of thumb for the amount of water to use is the volume of your container x 3. so if you have a one gallon pot, flush with three gallons of water. Also, i dont know the size of your pots but if they're under 2 gallons, you might be rootbound


Well-Known Member
it looks like what you said, a phosphorus deficiency. Since you've been treating it and it sounds like it's getting worse, then i would say check your pH. Phosphorus is an easy one to lock out when your soil is acidic, and a lot of nutes can be slightly acidic and making the problem worse. If you can check your pH. I would reccomend letting the soil dry up as much as you can (unless the horrible death starts spreading so fast that you can't wait any longer) and then flush her with just water. the rule of thumb for the amount of water to use is the volume of your container x 3. so if you have a one gallon pot, flush with three gallons of water. Also, i dont know the size of your pots but if they're under 2 gallons, you might be rootbound

Now that you mention it the stems do look kinda red.... Is your new growth slightly deformed? & stunned

Use this chart to find your correct ph
