Please help figure out what is going on with these fine genetics


These two are approximately 2 weeks old from germination. I have them under 4 23w 6500k cfls and 3 23w 2700k cfls. As you can see the leaves on both plants will yellow, feel bone dry, and continue to look like the bottom leaves in the attached pictures. I only water 1-2 times per week, they are in FF soil, no nutes have been added, and yesterday I setup a 9 inch fan to cool the lights/canopy. Even the new leaves are starting to yellow at the very tip of them.

I was thinking it was heat stress because until yesterday I didn't use anything to move the air around and cool the area. Could I be using too much light for them being so young? I have the lights at 24/0 for veg.

Any ideas as to what the problem is and how to fix it? Also should I pinch off the leaves at the bottom that don't look like they have a chance of bouncing back?



try backing off with the lights. I've had all my clones and vegging plants at 18/6. I had a mishap when I first started and the lights were on about 22 hours, I turned them off and the plants looked much better after resting. just try to mimic what nature would be like naturally and your plants will flourish


Active Member
Dry them out. Looks like they are drowning, when soil has dried and they have recovered some, give them a SMALL dose of nutes gradually increasing. There is also heat stress going on so the extra fan will certainly help. Next time get your plants in the middle of the pot this will allow the roots to spread properly, good roots means healthy plant.


Well-Known Member
These two are approximately 2 weeks old from germination. I have them under 4 23w 6500k cfls and 3 23w 2700k cfls. As you can see the leaves on both plants will yellow, feel bone dry, and continue to look like the bottom leaves in the attached pictures. I only water 1-2 times per week, they are in FF soil, no nutes have been added, and yesterday I setup a 9 inch fan to cool the lights/canopy. Even the new leaves are starting to yellow at the very tip of them.

I was thinking it was heat stress because until yesterday I didn't use anything to move the air around and cool the area. Could I be using too much light for them being so young? I have the lights at 24/0 for veg.

Any ideas as to what the problem is and how to fix it? Also should I pinch off the leaves at the bottom that don't look like they have a chance of bouncing back?

Found your problem.


Active Member
Fox Farm soils can be a bit too hot for seedlings. you shouldn't start feeding them just yet like someone suggested ... don't make things worse :eyesmoke:

bird mcbride

Well-Known Member
In the pics i see cups under your cups. If so what for? Just so you know pot doesn't like its roots in stagnated water so plantpot catchers etc have to be removed etc. Water them every three days and make sure they get good drainage. If the mix you're growing in is prefertilized don't use any added nutes. Believe it or not plants will stay green with plain untreated water and and good soil.
Ok for the positive comment...

The new leaves look good except that they are hungry. No problem, start some light feeding but only once the soil dries out.

You can run full time light but just make sure you keep it cooler than someone who's running say 16 hours. If they're running 80 degrees Farnenheit, you'd want to run 76 74, you get the point.

Btw I wouldn't ever recommend that long of light. It's plain stupid. Too much stress. Not many places you see that in mother nature.

Oh and lol at you for buying fox farm no offense. I just find it funny when people buy into growing gimmicks. How much did you pay for a bag. Go to your local hardware store and buy some peat and perlite. Perlite should be above 50 percent to be fully effective if you want aeration while your media is saturated. If you do less like fox farm does then the effect only applies to the condition that the soil dries off faster which still is a positive. But your girls will love you if you give them more aeration while saturated. Hell you can grow plants in rocks if your willing to stand over them and water them every 10 minutes.

I would rip off any really bad looking ones considering their prone to infection now. Or go the natural root and let them fall into your soil and fertilize it... Naw just pull em off.

Let your girls obtain a slight wilt before watering. Don't worry it won't hurt them and it's good for their turgor ability especially at a young agw

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