Well-Known Member
the lower leaves that do this once in a while is totally natural. just part of the plant (any plant) life cycle. thats a trip how they seem to wake up after you water huh?
You should be fine...just get that timer replaced ASAP...Well, something bad happened... Apparently, my brand new (not even 2 weeks old) light timer went bad... what even worse, is it happened 20 minutes before it was to turn on for it's 12/12 cycle. so basically, my plant has had 21 hours of darkness... is this a bad thing? i've replaced the bad timer with a new one that works (hopefully forever).
I was just wondering how bad this could be. I also believe there are a few pistils showing... not sure yet though.
Pics of the girls looks good...and it is not you...seems like this whole site has slowed down a bit after the holidays. Keep posted and asking...if I can help out in any way I will chime in!!!well, it almost seems my stupidity has made everyone stop replying to my posts and questions. lol
Sorry if im just a little more of a noob than a noob. lol
And thank you all for all of your responses to date. they have all helped me tremendously.
yay its a girl!!!!! you are doing a great job broe. plus rep if it lets. i like the way that you are doing the LST too. very nice!
edit: it won't let me yet.
Thanks, Im really considering stopping the LST. Im trying to find additional inforation regarding how to do it properly, but cannot. the first link you sent me doesnt have the illustrated drawing like it did before. the picture is a dead link now or has been removed.
Im just completely unsure of what to do about the leaves and stuff that will and are starting to grow. do I pin those down to the soil as well? I just dont want to do this wrong, so I may just take it out and wait until my next grow to try this.
My big girl is doing great though. every morning she is getting so many white pistils coming off. Im definitely going to need to change my grow spaces around though.
my "flowering room" (box) is just in too crazy of a space and its hard for me to raise my lights... Maybe I should invest in chains?? lmao. it's hard to tie a knot while your holding your light at the position it needs to be in.. especially in a 3' wide space, where I need to be cattywampusto even get good access to it.
I need a different, bigger vegging area,as I really only have room for one plant and all the lights and one fan.
Im not wanting really alot of plants going at all. I guess two is perfect for me atm, but I definitely need more space. It gets pretty hot in my vegging area because there isnt much spacce at all... maybe 2'H x 1'W x 2'L.
Either way... hope all is well with your grow ops.
Oh yeah... this whole +rep thing... is that all I have to do is just say +rep and it gives you rep?
lmao... I know im probably completely wrong.. but I dont see anywhere to give anyone +rep, so figured I'd ask.
She looks like she is a pretty good big is that pot she is in....possible root bound....