Please Help Guys! Plants in REAL trouble!


Active Member
Hi Guys,
I have some Durban Poison, Jorge's Diamonds #1 and some White Widow X Unknown, Afghani #1

Amazon Aeroponic System (Raised in Aeroponic Propagator)
4' X 4' Grow area
8 X 85W CFL (42400 lum) which are 4" - 5" from the tops.

Atami B'Cuzz Hydro A + B (3/4 strength solution when I transplanted)
pH: 5.6 ~ 6.0
EC: 0.7

Plant Age: Day 23 from sprout

40% RH
76 ~ 80 degree F
Can someone please tell me what is happening to my plants, they seem wilted, moreover they have brown spots on the leaves and the leaf ends seem wavy.

Is it nutrient burn, light burn, pH problem, defficiency?

This is my 1st grow guys, till now everything seemed alright except for this problem.

Have attached pictures.

Please guys help me out.



Active Member
First off congratulations on your first grow! Don't worry too much, your plants look very healthy overall but there are a few things you could improve on. Your plants will thank you with a bountiful harvest later

A couple questions for you.

1. Do you have any kind of ventilation in your grow area? It is very important for intake and exhaust fan to be in place. Growing Marijuana needs a constant supply of fresh Co2 rich air.

2. DO you have a circulation fan above your plants canopy? This would help increase air movement over the plants to help stimulate growth.

Jeorge Cervantes said it best and i quote:

" Many indoor garden problems are misdiagnosed as a lack or excess of fertilizer. Often, disease, insects, and poor cultural practices cause such problems. Other times, problems are caused by an imbalanced growing medium or water pH. Do not confuse nutrient deficiencies or toxicities with insect and disease damage or poor cultrual practices. You can avoid most common ailments by keeping temps, humidity, and light at proper levels."

I hope this helps you.

Peace and positive energy to you



i'd get them closer to the lights. they need to be about 1-2" max from the plant . If you look at long the stems are to the first leaf, that's the plant stretching up to the light.

as for the browning leaves - looks like nute burn, probably nitrogen. but that's only a guess. I've read a bunch a forums and that looks right what they say is nute burn.


heat could be another thing causing them to yellow.

edit***after looking at your pics the temps look good. so I would lean towards nute burn.
Looks like u need a steady flow of air. If u have air then maybe your using tap water instead of distilled water. I always say simple is better for newbies( water air light soil)


Active Member
WOW! Thanks guys for the prompt reply. Really appreciate it!

3/4 strength solution is good at this stage, I didn't want to give them full strength during transplant.
Additives (both @ 1/2 strenght of label):
ATA Zyme
ATA Clean


Distilled Water

Grow Room Setup:
4' X 4' X 7.5' with a 195 cubic meter/hour of Exhaust.
Have a circulation fan over the canopy just at a distance so that the leaves are fluttering.

Since I live in a place where both temperatures and humidity are high, I have an Air Con to regulate temp and a dehumidifier for RH (but this is kept off at the moment since 40%RH seems ok)

Fresh air is coming from cracks and holes and from the fresh air vent (a small opening stick I pull in my room aircon). Basically, I have a room in here I control the atmosphere and have wooden frame structures with light proof plastic walls. In this grow compartment, I have 1 X 195 cubic meter/hour Exhaust (venting outside the room) and 1 X 350 cubic meter/hour in the Flowering room.

Do I need more Exhaust in my Veg room? I am wondering if my exhaust is too high, the AC won't have enough time to cool the air as hot air is coming in from cracks/holes/ac plug which would put more load on the AC and at the same time not cool the air. I am no that great with Physics but is this concept right? My AC BTU/hr/W is 2.79, its a 1 TON unit.

I don't seal my Veg area since my main room is atomosphere controlled. Should I seal the Veg room and place passive/active intakes?

I am really scared guys, that my plant would die on me. Please please give me more suggestions.

I have attached my grow room layout.

I am using the Amazon Aeroponic, do I need a airstone or something to aerate the nutrient tank? Can that be a cause?

Hydro is tough the 1st time. GOD!!



Well-Known Member
I have never grown hydroponic before. From what I have read here I would change your res water out, replace it with half strength nutes with some calmag and make sure there is plenty of airflow.
That could even be spray escaping from your system, little droplets make little yellow scorches. Try sealing up the pots a little better maybe.
Hope this helps you even tho I have no direct XP in hydro.


Active Member
@canniboss: I did wonder about the droplets escaping from the net pots so I used some neoprene collars to seal them. I am going to change the res tomorrow with 1/2 strength nutes and then see how it goes.

More help would be great...

thank you people.


Active Member
Well its good to hear that you have circulation and ventilation.

If you are looking for suggestions on how to improve your grow. I have one other suggestion, did you consider having a Co2 generator. You can do a DIY one fairly cheap and easy. There are plenty of threads on RIU about DIY Co2 generators.

Lets see since you said you are growing in aeroponics the mister heads in the nutirient tank should be oxgenating the water plenty. Non-moving or Passive Hydro set ups like DWC need some kind of oxgenating.

Dont rely completely on passive air intakes. It always helps to have a intake fan moving, it forces out stale air and replaces it with fresh Co2 rich air. The exhaust fan helps as well.

Don't stress out friend. Your plants can pick up on those distressed vibes and will result in poor growth, j/k. :)
As far as I can see is that it might might be a lack of calcium. Since you are using distilled water there is no calcium in the water. I am not familiar with additives are ATA Zyme
ATA Clean calcium additives? Hope this helps you.


How are the roots? Is the water clear and fairly odorless? Any possible root issues? I've seen similar symptoms in some root rot issues I had once. Could be your roots are covered with fungus (a.k.a. root rot) and they're not able to efficently get neuts to the rest of the plant.


Well-Known Member
your plants look way too young to have any nutes yet...MJ doesnt need any nutes for the first 4-5 weeks of their lives. Pure ph'd water with plenty of o2 will do the me, I grow DWC/Bubbleponics and have found that less is MUCH better when it comes to hydro.


Active Member
Hey All,

Roots look nice and white and as my nose permits I didn't find any strange rotting smell either from res tank or roots.

After valuable info from you guys I have decided to change the res completely today with 1/2 strenght nutrient solution, good idea?

Hopefully my babies will recover and make me happy.


Active Member
jonboy is spot on. People often overdo the nutrients. At the early stages in plant development, it is much more important to work on whats below the surface. Your reservoir should have high levels of O2 either through H2O2 and/or aeration (air stone), and a light regiment of Vitamin B1 series. Roots needs lots of oxygen, especially this early.

1) Your RH is rather low for this stage of development. I would increase to about 65% RH for veg stages, and then drop it down latter part of flowering to promote trichome development.
2) Reduce your nutrient feeding and verify your pH.
3) Keep your reservoir aerated with O2 - more = better.

Good luck!


Active Member
@ jonboy30/GranolaGumbo: Can you please elaborate the progression for nutes for a plants life cycle, something like 1/4 strength after 1st month... basically I need a head start with dosing...

aficionado: Keeping water in an open bucket raise RH, no? Since I am changing res today... I won't add any nutes, only AdvacedHydroponic Root Stimulator?


Active Member
@ jonboy30/GranolaGumbo: Can you please elaborate the progression for nutes for a plants life cycle, something like 1/4 strength after 1st month... basically I need a head start with dosing...

aficionado: Keeping water in an open bucket raise RH, no? Since I am changing res today... I won't add any nutes, only AdvacedHydroponic Root Stimulator?
Open water should help with RH if your grow room is not already running humid. Root Stimulator = B1 series, great for babies.


Active Member
thanks guys.. will incoporate these changes and see how it goes...

will take some more pictures this weekend and update...



Active Member
I use near full strength nutes anytime a seedling/clone is 2 weeks old, never burned them. The concentration of your solution after water evaporates could be a problem, the nutes don't vanish when the water does.


Active Member
Hey Guys... hope growing goin good... just a small update.

I changed my res with distilled water today as suggested to flush out all the extra stuff that spotting/burning them.

Plant Age:
Day 24

New Nutes in Tank 40 L:
Distilled water
Advanced Hydroponic Root Stimulator @ 1ml / L (but I put tad bit below exact 40ml, say around 36ml)

pH: 5.8
EC < 0.2

78 ~ 80 degree F
55% ~ 60% RH

What do you guys think? Is the EC too low, should I add some more nutes, I have Advanced Nutrients Grow/Micro/Bloom and Atami B'Cuzz Hydro A & B, any recommendations?

I am worried now that I am not under-feeding them. Should I increase nutrient strength after couple of days?

8 X 85W CFL @ 3" ~ 4" from tops

Please guide me!

Come on guys 178 views with only 18 replies, but thanks anyways for all those who have given me valuable info.


PS: Will update with pictures in a few days.