Please help !! having room issues i think....


I think i need some help...i just started my new room and have three gems (mothers) going....but heres my issue....

i just moved in and just started to set up my new using a closet on the second floor(which is more of a storage area + my DJ room), i just painted the whole thing flat white and i have 2 100W MH keeping these babies alive, i rigged a dryer vent into the side of my house with a 4 in flexhose into my fan for fresh air(it gets pretty stale up there)...and another fan just pushing air out into the attic(more like the eaves of the house)....heres the kicker.... I live in the North East and its starting to get cold here...and there is no heat up there....and it seems to be getting cold up there too...i tried to put a lil heater on low just blowing warm air in there every 20 minutes or so....and the temp got up to about 70-72 degrees....but my babies are starting to turn yellowish and dont look so green anymore....

my guess was it was because of the (dry) warm air ??? it has been the only variable that has changed in the last 3 that was my first guess.....any ideas? comments? grips? remarks ?

I need help before these babies keel over on me ...Please !!!!

Ill go take pics right now and put em up ...
ok guys here you go ..... take a peek


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Are you using the EXACT same water as before? I know ya said there were no variable aside from environmental, but some ppl forget the water purveyor can differ from move to move, unless yer using bottled. Yer problem resembles Nit def, not so much heat stress. Ya are sure about yer Nit, tho. So, w/that eliminated, it looks like a problem from pH fluctuations in yer water. If yer humidity was an issue, I would expect more "friedness", yers dont look fried, just yerllow and browning. Ya could try adding a bucket of ice close to yer intake fan, but change the bucket daily
i mean outside its getting about down to frost the room it gets down to about 65 min. maybe 62ish....and ya know i did start out using bottled water...and i have been using the tap water lately....i wouldnt think that 68 - 70 wouldnt be heat stress....and on top of all this i havent even started using nutes yet....i tried some fish emoulushon (LOL) but very little ...i wanted to get every thing in order before i got down and dirty with the nutes and chopping clones down ....

i took the heat away and im going to try using the bottled water again this week....i just checked and have had the heat away for a day and the room is holding a steady 65 to 68 ish...which i think is alright for now....and now i am also putting them on a 20/4 cycle ( maybe stabilize everything for a while?) im just trying out all "less" stressfull thing for now.... i just want to get everything firmly in-order before i start chopping clones and getting underway...

what would the ice do? Up the humidity? i did just leave a bowl of water in hopes of doing the same......

thanks for the input....ill keep yall updated with pics and stuff.....
Dude, its yer tap water. Dont worry about anything else. Going from bottled to tap is the worst thing you can do! The pH fluctuation as well as the chlorine is AWFUL!!!!!
so if i switch back to filtered/bottled water...ill be good right? my babies will correct themselves????

yea dude...i switched to bottled/filtered water....totally doing better im just trying to hone my cloning skillz :)
I have the same small space heater you got, lol. as far as cloning'll pick it up no really is easy.