Please help i am worried i have pollinated my female plant not sure

rob 3333

Dear forum for anyone who is reading this i really appreciate your advise, i am a beginner for my self for medical purposes.

two weed plants from seeds (feminised) 33 days ago.

1 turned out to be a male but for around 10 days when shaking one og the plans pollen where falling, yes i am stupid i still kept it next to female i did not know. first time, i am now worried female plant has been pollinated, or hefidaite they where right next to each other. so is plant pointless now as they where next to each other even the 10 days male which pollen falling was nect to female, has my plant turned to male or both so useless? please could you also tell me if still 100% female this is key for me?

please see photos,

i really appreciate for anyone who can give advise i am really gutted not sure if i am ok or not, . all the photos are of the same plant.

many thanks once again.


rob 3333

Dear forum for anyone who is reading this i really appreciate your advise, i am a beginner for my self for medical purposes.

two weed plants from seeds (feminised) 33 days ago.

1 turned out to be a male but for around 10 days when shaking one og the plans pollen where falling, yes i am stupid i still kept it next to female i did not know. first time, i am now worried female plant has been pollinated, or hefidaite they where right next to each other. so is plant pointless now as they where next to each other even the 10 days male which pollen falling was nect to female, has my plant turned to male or both so useless? please could you also tell me if still 100% female this is key for me?

please see photos,

i really appreciate for anyone who can give advise i am really gutted not sure if i am ok or not, . all the photos are of the same plant.

many thanks once again.



Well-Known Member
I can't tell if those are pollinated or not by looing at the pics. I can tell you that you need more light on them and you need a consistent light/dark period. The single bladed leaves suggest your flower cycle is being interrupted. What time are your lights on/off and are you using timers?

rob 3333

I can't tell if those are pollinated or not by looing at the pics. I can tell you that you need more light on them and you need a consistent light/dark period. The single bladed leaves suggest your flower cycle is being interrupted. What time are your lights on/off and are you using timers?
hi clf 240 mix type for get etc. but being in next to each other for that period of time surly it would of polinated? thanks for time helping


Well-Known Member
when shaking one og the plans pollen where falling, yes i am stupid i still kept it next to female i did not know. .
Yes they will be pollinated and so will your next 10 crops if you don't completely sterilize your entire grow room, and get the lights way closer to the plants because that stretch is really bad.


Well-Known Member
you won't know if they are pollinated until they grow balls . plant needs more light . looks stressed and stretched . Don't get ahead of yourself .

rob 3333

thanks dadio, so does it not mean 100% they are polinated being so close? for long period of time? how long before i could see balls and know i am safe? thanks very much for your advise and help


Well-Known Member
even if it's pollinated, it's far from useless, just seeded..

there's absolutely no truth to seeded plants being less potent or any other rumors ..
True dat!...There will be less actual flower weight and bud density...but the smokable remains should be just as potent as the mother plant.


Well-Known Member
Ok, so, the way you can tell if your plant is pollenated is by looking at the hairs. The hairs that have collected pollen will turn red/brown and recede. So if your white spikey hairs are turning brown and receding it is pollenated. You dont have to chop it down or throw it away, you can still smoke it and you will have future seeds to grow and not make the same mistake on.