Please help i am worried i have pollinated my female plant not sure


bud bootlegger
Ok, so, the way you can tell if your plant is pollenated is by looking at the hairs. The hairs that have collected pollen will turn red/brown and recede. So if your white spikey hairs are turning brown and receding it is pollenated. You dont have to chop it down or throw it away, you can still smoke it and you will have future seeds to grow and not make the same mistake on.
was going to say the same thing..

rob 3333

Ok, so, the way you can tell if your plant is pollenated is by looking at the hairs. The hairs that have collected pollen will turn red/brown and recede. So if your white spikey hairs are turning brown and receding it is pollenated. You dont have to chop it down or throw it away, you can still smoke it and you will have future seeds to grow and not make the same mistake on.
does the photo shows they polinated the tips some geting browingish i think should they be all pure white?


Well-Known Member
does the photo shows they polinated the tips some geting browingish i think should they be all pure white?
Yeah, at this stage of growth they should all be pure white. And I cant tell from the photos personally. My eyes arent what they used to be.

rob 3333

guys so shall i restart and seritalise, do i do need to ggo craxy clieaning room as well, sterlising, i did take male of of cupobard few times? if i think to keep same problem with again male plants popping after all that effort? thanks for advise still good what will u guys do? is it not better to hav female?

rob 3333

Yeah, at this stage of growth they should all be pure white. And I cant tell from the photos personally. My eyes arent what they used to be.
soorry to ask again, how long do yopu thin a wek or so maybe fore telling sure from photo retaken?


Well-Known Member
Whether your plant is pollinated or not isn't your biggest concern with that plant. You have a couple months before that plants done. There isn't a whole lot area for pollen to have seeded the plant. Clean the room its in, maybe try putting some water in a spray bottle and gently rinse the plant off. Then take whatever lights you're using get them as close to the plant as you can without burning it, buy a timer set it for 12/12. While you're waiting for it to finish read read read, when you're done reading do it again. Consider buying more seeds because the plant you have isn't gonna yield a pound. I would suggest getting some feminized auto flower seeds to make learning some basic growing skills easier for you. Good luck


Active Member
Whether your plant is pollinated or not isn't your biggest concern with that plant. You have a couple months before that plants done. There isn't a whole lot area for pollen to have seeded the plant. Clean the room its in, maybe try putting some water in a spray bottle and gently rinse the plant off. Then take whatever lights you're using get them as close to the plant as you can without burning it, buy a timer set it for 12/12. While you're waiting for it to finish read read read, when you're done reading do it again. Consider buying more seeds because the plant you have isn't gonna yield a pound. I would suggest getting some feminized auto flower seeds to make learning some basic growing skills easier for you. Good luck
Quadruple like for you good sir.


Well-Known Member
That's a female, and since it doesn't have many pistils yet, you may have some pollination, if the pollen was viable, on a few of those buds but best thing is to spray whole plant down with water (it sterilizes pollen) and then clean surrounding area with wash rag or what have you to get rid of any stray pollen. Some times pollen is sterile already and you get lucky. At worst though you've only pollenated a few buds. New ones that come out won't be pollenated.


Well-Known Member
Make sure u take that male out to if it does have seeds u know what they r the bud won't be as good but still smokeable just watch when u grow them for the males and take them out next time hope everything works out

rob 3333

Whether your plant is pollinated or not isn't your biggest concern with that plant. You have a couple months before that plants done. There isn't a whole lot area for pollen to have seeded the plant. Clean the room its in, maybe try putting some water in a spray bottle and gently rinse the plant off. Then take whatever lights you're using get them as close to the plant as you can without burning it, buy a timer set it for 12/12. While you're waiting for it to finish read read read, when you're done reading do it again. Consider buying more seeds because the plant you have isn't gonna yield a pound. I would suggest getting some feminized auto flower seeds to make learning some basic growing skills easier for you. Good luck
thanks for advise, can auto plants be polinated even if they are little and no pistlils have poped out yet?

rob 3333

That's a female, and since it doesn't have many pistils yet, you may have some pollination, if the pollen was viable, on a few of those buds but best thing is to spray whole plant down with water (it sterilizes pollen) and then clean surrounding area with wash rag or what have you to get rid of any stray pollen. Some times pollen is sterile already and you get lucky. At worst though you've only pollenated a few buds. New ones that come out won't be pollenated.
thanks for advise, from photos can you tell if has been polinated? people are saying if male next to it 100% polinated? thanks for time.

rob 3333

That's a female, and since it doesn't have many pistils yet, you may have some pollination, if the pollen was viable, on a few of those buds but best thing is to spray whole plant down with water (it sterilizes pollen) and then clean surrounding area with wash rag or what have you to get rid of any stray pollen. Some times pollen is sterile already and you get lucky. At worst though you've only pollenated a few buds. New ones that come out won't be pollenated.
also forgot to mention the pistals some are not pure white some getting browning, they say at this stage should be purse white from photos can you tell?

rob 3333

Dear forum for anyone who is reading this i really appreciate your advise, i am a beginner for my self for medical purposes.

two weed plants from seeds (feminised) 33 days ago.

1 turned out to be a male, female and male plant right next to eachother, but for around 10 days whilst next two each other i noticed pollen where falling, yes i am stupid i still kept it next to female i did not know. first time, i am now worried female plant has been pollinated, or hefidaite. surely as so close female has been polinated?

please see photos, can you tell me from photos if it has been polinated?

shall i start again?

i really appreciate for anyone who can give advise i am really gutted not sure if i am ok or not, . all the photos are of the same plant.

many thanks once again.



Well-Known Member
Man...I suggest you buy a few books on cannabis cultivation and start over. Those looks more like preflowers. What are you using for light??

rob 3333

Man...I suggest you buy a few books on cannabis cultivation and start over. Those looks more like preflowers. What are you using for light??
cfl with vegie light and the other one mix,

you mean because its preflower its not been polinated please advise thanks, strat over you beacusen polinated cnan u tell for sure