Please help i am worried i have pollinated my female plant not sure


Well-Known Member
Are you flowering ? (12/12 light) ?
You need MUCH more light.
If you are not flowering, then the female plant will not be pollinated, take into account that pollen around the plant can be fertile for up to 2 weeks.


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rob 3333

Are you flowering ? (12/12 light) ?
You need MUCH more light.
If you are not flowering, then the female plant will not be pollinated, take into account that pollen around the plant can be fertile for up to 2 weeks.
thanks for advise, but i believe the plant is in flowering stage? is it not in flowring stage, its been 40 days now since grwoing?


Well-Known Member
thanks for advise, but i believe the plant is in flowering stage? is it not in flowring stage, its been 40 days now since grwoing?
Is This an autoflower ?
If not, it doesnt matter how old it it, its the ammount of light per day it receives that determines if its flowering.
If it is, then i honestly have 0 experience with autos.

rob 3333

Is This an autoflower ?
If not, it doesnt matter how old it it, its the ammount of light per day it receives that determines if its flowering.
If it is, then i honestly have 0 experience with autos.
no its not auto flower, can u tell from photos if it is at flowring stage? people are saying 100% polinated because the white 2 pistols are out so if pollen hits it it will be polinated? can u tell if at flowring stage i thought it is?

rob 3333

Is This an autoflower ?
If not, it doesnt matter how old it it, its the ammount of light per day it receives that determines if its flowering.
If it is, then i honestly have 0 experience with autos.
forgot to mntion yes i have been doing 12 hours on and off from begining


Well-Known Member
probly polinated then, youll still get buds, but also a bunch of seeds.. at least you wont have to buy any more seeds


Well-Known Member
no its not auto flower, can u tell from photos if it is at flowring stage? people are saying 100% polinated because the white 2 pistols are out so if pollen hits it it will be polinated? can u tell if at flowring stage i thought it is?
yeah its in flowering stage, and is probably polinated. nobigdeal though


Well-Known Member
Pollination isn't a process that takes over the whole plant. Pollination only happens on pistils that are exposed. Even if it was next to a male plant that dropped pollen, only the exposed buds will seed. I pollenate single buds or branches all the time. It doesn't effect the rest of the plant! Those are not preflowers, you are flowering. Since using such a small light, you don't have much pistil production yet. My advise would be to add about 3-4 more bulbs if insistent on running cfls. Really though look into a cheap LED light or go with MH/HPS. Also like set above when pistils become pollinated they turn brown and wither. Another thing is pollen is killed by water. After I pollenated certain bud sites for crosses I douse the whole plant. So even if that male dropped pollen, the only places that will have buds with seeds are the sites that are already visible. Many more bud sites will pop up as your plant flowers. Those would not be pollenated unless you have pollen floating around or don't clean your area after pollen has dropped. Hope this clears it up


Well-Known Member
people that act like a lil pollen in the air ruins everything have no idea what they're talking about, and have prolly never even chucked pollen or they would know better. I keep a pollen vault in fridge and make crosses a lot and have never had pollen go anywhere but where I put it. People really make it out to be a lot scarier than it really is. I've had plants herm before and only seed some other buds in the tent. Entire plants next to them, with only seeds here and there. You'll be fine.


Well-Known Member
Make sure u take that male out to if it does have seeds u know what they r the bud won't be as good but still smokeable just watch when u grow them for the males and take them out next time hope everything works out
I am not so sure that the buds wont be as good. I am not saying that they will be, but I have never noticed a discernable difference in the buds I seed and the buds I dont.


Well-Known Member
Pollen only lasts for about 2 weeks and then will no longer be viable (unless properly stored) so any excess pollen you have floating around your grow area will be dead soon one way or the other.

rob 3333

people that act like a lil pollen in the air ruins everything have no idea what they're talking about, and have prolly never even chucked pollen or they would know better. I keep a pollen vault in fridge and make crosses a lot and have never had pollen go anywhere but where I put it. People really make it out to be a lot scarier than it really is. I've had plants herm before and only seed some other buds in the tent. Entire plants next to them, with only seeds here and there. You'll be fine.
thanks for advise mate.

rob 3333

Pollen only lasts for about 2 weeks and then will no longer be viable (unless properly stored) so any excess pollen you have floating around your grow area will be dead soon one way or the other.
can i ask u about auto plants are they good, out of these which ones good

auto blubery

auto cheese

auto white widow

auto pinapple

thanks so much i hope i am not bothering you with questions.


Well-Known Member
can i ask u about auto plants are they good, out of these which ones good

auto blubery

auto cheese

auto white widow

auto pinapple

thanks so much i hope i am not bothering you with questions.
I personally do not grow autos. I have smoked 1 auto that I thought was pretty decent, not great, but decent.
The other autos I have smoked have been pretty shitty IMO.

rob 3333

I personally do not grow autos. I have smoked 1 auto that I thought was pretty decent, not great, but decent.
The other autos I have smoked have been pretty shitty IMO.
i promise last question, so sorry once again, is it safe to buy seeds on line? and from where i am based uk,