please help I don't know if this is a ph problem


Well-Known Member
yellowing is typical at the end of a plants life cycle which that pic looks like its close to harvest but i cant really tell because I don't have a close up of that bud where the pistils dry and receded? I am working with what I have, hell I would be happy with 8 ounces I will only get 1 off of mine but im going small on purpose not enough space in my Rubbermaid.
Yellowing is not typical at the end of flower because it should be. Its because of some myth about. Keep the plant healthy and green all the way thru its grow cycle and enjoy the smoke and satisfaction that you know how too grow proper.


Well-Known Member
Epsom salts if very useful in cultivation. From softening hardwater to correcting nute issues. It can be used as a foilar spray or drench. Most of the Nitrogen you feed your plants is a salt form. It looks like you have some sort of issue going on, but I do not think it is ph related. Just hard to tell from your pics. Here is a link to a post you should find helpful. But until you have it figured out I would just use phed water. Dont want to compound the issue by stabbing in the dark. Give us a bit more info also. Nutes, ph ect..... Heres the link, hope it helps.
are you talking to me or oregon?


Well-Known Member
hey It might have been nute burn but I wasn't feeding much nitrogen too much phosphorus for sure all i had was cheap crap miracle grow that i found in my garage it was 10-52-10 so i think that's where the burn came from if I even had any at all it also could have been that nitrogen was being locked out by all the phosphorus?> anyway I fed it some 12-4-8 after flushing and its defiantly turning back around shits growing mad crazy now