please help i dont know shit!

i been looking threw the threads and seen alot of info..but still i sit confused on how to get started...all i want is a easy set up i got a spare room all i am wanting is 2 or 3 plants its my first grow...a simple setup to get me started and some info like lights soil nutrients...or is there a video i can watch...just some help is all i ask:leaf:im a newbie big time but i love the Mary Jane "save a life"


Well-Known Member
Here is some basic quick stuff for you to go over.

Plants grow in vegetative state with 18 hours light and 6 hours of darkness.
In the budding or flowering stage, they required a light regimen of 12 hours lights 12 hours dark.

Grow in 1-3 gallon pots, depending on how big of plants you want.

I would recommend a soil like pro mix HP (this is a soiless mix) it will help with ph issues, bug problems, and root growth.

You will need some lights, High pressure sodium or Metal halide are the best. You can grow with compact fluros but they are not as efficient as the other 2 stated.

Start off with something like 400watts of power for your light. Or you can go with a 600W.

You will also need some nutrients to go along with that soil since it doesnt have any in it. I would recommend botanicare(I love this line of product) or general hydroponics.

That what i got for now. ASk away.


Well-Known Member
Start your seeds by putting them into paper towel (just 2 sheets or so) and wetting it, put them in a cup in a warm dark place.

They all should pop in about 48 hours or up to a week later.

Make sure to check the towel every 24 hours to make sure the tissue is still damp.

Once germinated. The seed can be planted and put under your light regimen of 18/6.

To plant the germinated seed, pick it up by its head(the shell it came from) very lightly and place it sprout down head up about half inch or so down into the hole in your soil.

Easiest way to plant without breaking anything, make your hole, take your seed in your left hand place it in the hole use your other hand to knock dirt down into the hole to kinda hold it, remove your left hand, and place more dirt on top. firm it down very lightly, and lightly water with plain water.


Well-Known Member
my very first grow consisted of these

430watt HPS light
10x 3 gallon containers
10x small containers
veg nutes
flower nutes
calmag supplement
Pro mix hp soil.

I fucked up on how many to start with and got one good female. got a quarter pound off her. not bad for first time.

I would recommmend to start with 6-10 plants if you want 2-3 females.
ok ok thanks for my first attempt im just gonna go with some seeds from a sack i got...thanks for the info it was highly appreciated and needed could i just start of with a fluorescent for now and switch off to abetter bulb after?? so to beat the odds on getting atleast 3 female plant 10 how long does it take to determine the sex of the plant


Well-Known Member
the sex of the plant is determined once you switch the light regimen over to 12/12, it should take at least a few days, and up to a week or so. Sometimes longer.

Bagseed is fine, I would go with even more bagseed( lots tend to have malformation), like 15-20 seeds, and you will probably get like 6-8 good ones, and if ur lucky 3-5 of those would be female. (this is all just geussing and taking the best precautions)

With my experience of bagseeds, It hasnt been great. I would recommend you save some money and buy some good genetics, and start with a good light.

Of course that always isnt in everyones choice and it has to be done how it has to be done.

With CFL(compact fluros) you will need about 6 of them. 3 cool white, and 3 warm white.

the more watts of lights the better.


Well-Known Member
if you use one or two cfls, your going to be disappointed. If you need to go out abd buy 6 cfls and all the stuff to set them up. All that is gonna cost you maybe 1/3rd the price of a high pressure sodium light., This is why I say save your money and get a good light and good genetics.

But like I said, If you have to do it that way, It can be done.
yulivin4 thats the way im trying to go simple my first time and the next ill try some new things and so on is your grow going good??
man this info is great thanks a million after i get them to sprout do i leave them under light for 24 hours or how does the lighting work??


Well-Known Member
the 6 hours of light lets the plant actually grow properly. Plants need rest to, and when they wake up from rest to do their work, they do it beter.

If you decide to purchase a HPS bulb, you will need a ballast. They should be bought together from the same supplier. They have to be able to work with each other.

You dont need a MH for veg and HPS for flowering, it would be nice to. It is not a must.

If you get the 430watt son agro, It has the added blue spectrum(for vegging). I did my plant with that one light and nothing else. I cant complain, noone else will either. The bud is DANK and I got LOTS. Well worth the investment. I got all my money back(from lights , nnutes, equip) and 2 ounces to smoke.

Im glad to help.

I think i paid 245$ canadian for my ballast , bulb and reflector. I dont know how much that is american, probably around 3something?
oh alright so i can leave my lights on 24-24 until im ready to flower thats when i would go using a grow light i got from home depot but everyone said florescents work way better than what i have think i should just get the hps and the mh


Active Member
Shoot I went pretty darn simple my 1st grow, and got such good results been doin it that way since lol.

1 400W HPS
6 1 gallon pots
Miracle Grow Time Release Soil
PH Meter bought off Ebay hehe
PH Up/Down

I know I know, the whole Miracle Grow thang...well that stuff has never done me wrong lemme tell ya. Get ur PH sweet spot in that stuff and you're golden.
good deal i started my seeds last night gonna get all my setup today hope it goes well so kayanow you used a 430watt son agro for veg flowering and so on?