Please help! I think my plant is dieing


Active Member
i know its ok for some of the leaves to turn yellow and drop off but its getting really cold and rainy here now and some off the leaves are turning purple should, i crop it now?


Active Member
Yes, lower temperatures are some times the culprit of purpling leaves.
It's fine, I would not cut yet.


Well-Known Member
The plant turning purple isn't a sign it's dying. I think you're all right also; no need to chop early.


Active Member
its either your plants genetics,or cold weather,nothing to worry about,purple'ing is all good,looks rather beautiful too i might add


Active Member
Is there any point in continuing this grow because my mate said to crop it now because its gettin to cold because the plant grows of the light and the buds grow from the heat is this true?


Well-Known Member
nope the whole plant will slow in growth as it gets colder but your mate is feeding you a line of bull


Well-Known Member
it might hold through for a week or two as long as it dosent dip down to 0degrees for to long if you have to cover the plant at night do it


Well-Known Member
I think you have at least 4 weeks to go. Chopping it now won't give you anything decent. Bring it inside if it gets too cold and put it out in the daytime when it gets a little warmer or build a little greenhouse for it with some sticks and some clear plastic. Try to keep it warm for 4 more weeks.


Well-Known Member
dude, relax. as long as it isn't gonna really freeze for a long time, you'll be fine. let it go for as long as necessary.
and don't listen to idiot mates.



Active Member
Thanks alot for advice guys , its raining all the time here now and she still doest look ready , i have a small pvc green house so ill move her in there for a while see how she goes , she doesnt seem to be performing any buds yet but theres a few crystals


Active Member
oh yeh and do you think i should add any nutes while i can? i havnt used any nutes through out the whole grow