Please help! idk whats wrong with my plants

My plants are getting yellow on the edges of the leaves and yellow stripes across the tips. The only thing iv been feeding them is silica and its 1/4 strength every 3rd water. They have been in ffof for about 3 weeks now. The temps always between 75 to 82 degrees. I dont know what I should do. Do I need to feed them more nutriants now that there bigger?



Well-Known Member
FFOF is a hot mix, and really should be more nutes for a month or so, I would urge caution and even consider nute burn issues, hungry plants that go yellowish go pale yellow all over to start ...caution treat this as nute burn and flush, you plants with air temperate ph nutral water, 2 times the volume of the pot, allow to recover overnight or 1x day in dim light no nutes for 2 weeks
They have been in the 1 gals for about 3 1\2 weeks. They first started showing faint yellowing about a week ago. If it was nute burn Wouldint it of shown sooner then now, like a couple of days after I transplanted? I would hate to flush if that wasint the cause, because I would imagine the ffof soil is just about out of nutes. Also I forgot to mention it's not all ffof I did a 50/50 mix with happy frog, idk if that makes a difference or not. Plus I dont have a ph meter. I have just been using distilled water. I just want to make sure im taking a step in the right direction. This is my first grow and I would hate to lose it.


Well-Known Member
it looks like a calcium lock out to me , probably caused by not ph'ing your water but just add some cal mag into your feed and see how you go ....

Your cannabis plant may show signs of a calcium deficiency if the pH at the roots is too high or too low. That is because when the pH of your root zone is off, your cannabis cannot properly absorb calcium through its roots. Therefore the first step is to ensure that you have the correct pH for your growth medium. Learn more about pH and cannabis.
Please note: After a calcium deficiency is cleared up, the problem (brown spots and unhealthy new leaves) will stop appearing on new growth, usually within a week. Please note that leaves which have been damaged by a calcium deficiency will probably not recover or turn green, so you want to pay attention to new growth for signs of recovery.

  • In soil, calcium is best absorbed by the roots in the 6.2 - 7.0 pH range (in soil, it's generally recommended to keep the pH between 6.0 - 7.0, but calcium specifically tends to be best absorbed above 6.2)
I definitely need to get a ph meter. And its just on a few of the leaves not all of them and also the tips of the leaves that have the yellowing are dry and crispy feeling. And how much should I feed them? They are not very use to nutriants besides the ones already in the soil and the silica I give them.


Well-Known Member
the spots are 1 of 2 things. bugs or shock/roots dont worry its on 1 leaf and part of second. add just water check light distance test ph and nute level. if you cant then jsut water for 3 days. check temp and humidity if all checks out dont worry. they are good, i would at this point supercrop that bad branch make it open up and give it more transfer rate, that will inusre that branch is stronger. these are weeds not babies.just like you do for a child small amount of vitamins/nutes. the plant will tell you and right now something happened but is micro and i would check it out but wouldnt waste allot of time.

Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde

Well-Known Member
it could be the start of a cal-mag def, do you have soft water?
Dr. Jekyll

could be so many things, heat, pH issues, over watered/nutes, take your pick but likely a bit of each
Mr. Hyde
I just use distilled water. And ph I dont know what it is I dont have a meter. The light is a good 18 inches away, temp stays 82 Degrees or bellow. The humidity is around 20% I give it water when the soil is completely dry which is about twice a week. Every 3rd watering I give it 1tsp of silica. When I water I only let about 10% runoff.

Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde

Well-Known Member
Distilled water has no minerals, you may wish to consider Cal-Mag supplement
Dr. Jekyll

Get a pH meter or some pH drops, you need to know where your water/nutes are on the scale
20% RH is low but not going to kill you, temps are not that bad at 82
no idea what this "silica" is
Mr. Hyde
So I took a look at my plants this morning and on one plant it seems the problems are not getting worse. However my other plants leaves are developing the same symptoms. I have two clones that are doing great, no problems at all. The silica im using is 0-0-5 potassium silicate the guy at the hydro store says it helps the stocks get stronger. The temp did get very hot last night up to 90!!



Well-Known Member
I am pretty sure you need Ca and Mg. Many of the newer strains REALLY like magnesium, and with distilled water, you are giving it neither Ca nor Mg.


Well-Known Member
I have two clones that are doing great, no problems at all. The silica im using is 0-0-5 potassium silicate the guy at the hydro store says it helps the stocks get stronger.
Your clones will do fine until they deplete all of the mag and cal in their medium. That stuff you are using has no nutrients but potassium, and your vegging plants need very little of that for a while. In your 0-0-0 number set up, you want something in the first number (that's nitrogen). You will need other things as well, but there is the cheap way, and the expensive way. I recommend you get either some CalMag or MagiCal (different manufacturers, but same thing) There is also some nitrogen in it. When your plants move on to flowering you will want some stuff with phosphorous and potassium (those second and third numbers). There are lots of mixtures and organic and cheap ways to get most nutrients - more than one way to do it, but that is the Rx you need for your plants!
Just added cal and mg and flora nova grow 7-4-10 I saw some more yellowing the next day. But today I looked and it looks like the new growth is not showing any yellowing.