Please help if you can


Hi and thanks for taking a look at my problem.
The plants were looking great until 3 days ago. The new growth is turning yellow. This is my first grow indoors with a hydro system, please be kind ;-}
The issue is on all new growth on all 4 plants.

Using General Hydo Flora Grow 3 part fertilizer

DWC system with 4 plants.
7 weeks 3 days old
AutoFlower feminized. 2 are Blue Dream and 2 are White LSD.
PH between 5.7 and 6.3
H2O temp 69.5
PPM for nuts is around 700

Thanks a ton



PH sits around 6.0
Tap, but H2O is rarely added.
Using 1/2 of manufacturer %, this seems to be the general census for hydro autoflowers.
No enzyme cleaner.
Res was changed at week 4 and today.
The water looks great with no algae or slime on the buckets. I think the temp at under 70 helps keep water is good shape.


Active Member
Making sure there’s no chlorine in the water beforehand? I mean leave it out overnight or something


Well-Known Member
DWC is 5.6-6.0
How often do u monitor the ph and ppm

Change rezz weekly or close

Up the nutes

Be sure yet light isn't too close

Get hydroguard or z7AA7A4BCE-8025-478D-9473-F7FF59161AB6.jpeg


OK, Noted.
PH, PPM is checked daily.
The lIght should be good per light manufacturer height recommendation.
Can't get Hydroguard in IL, so I will have to find z7.

Thanks for the info and the chart.


Well-Known Member
I would double, triple check my pH meter and be sure it's working correctly and it's been calibrated.
I would then check my pH, starting after a fresh re-up in the res, and check it daily to see what it's doing over time.
What you're seeing is a lockout via pH or too much of something locking things up, but at such a low ppm, I'd look at my pH first.


Thanks for the reply.

I have upped my nutrients PPM 993 last Sunday and the PPM has not changed much. PH has been spot on at 5.79. I am using a good tester and the calibration is correct. Checked with 2 different solutions. I have tried to do everything that was recommended above and I am still having problems. They are still growing. These are pics from yesterday. Any other ideas?

The roots are a darker color than before, but the nutrients are colored and probably staining them.

Or is it too late and I should just start over. I'm so bummed.

Thanks again for taking the time to answer



Well-Known Member
I doubt if anyone here knows what your problem is. It involves the entire plant. Usually when people come to this forum they have just a few leaves being affected. Your situation is more worse. I don't know what your problem is, but exactly how are you administering the nutrients? Do you follow any instructions on the containers? I suspect that either a nutrient is missing or for some other reason your plants aren't going to do well no matter what you try. Is the room too warm? Do you have a fan and moving air? It is summer, even for Illinois. Indoor plants don't tolerate high temp too well. What else is going on with the grow you haven't mentioned? Are the roots slimy at all? That would be algae choking them off. Since so much of the plant doesn't look good, I can only guess you have more than one problem.


Thanks for the reply.

Nutrients are mixed in the reservoir bucket following all manufacturer's instructions.

Room temp is 71 degrees with 55% humidity. This should be fine from all I have read.

The fan is moving air 24/7

Roots feel great. No slime in buckets, equipment, or roots.

Gonna wait till these run their course and start over. Thanks all.