!!!PLEASE HELP!!! Included pics & all the info..


Ok, so today is the day before I chop...I did a 10 day flush with only RO water and a very little bit of brix molasses..and 2 days without watering to help with the drying process...Today is my 2nd day with no water...and tomorrow was gonna be my chop day...I've been using Aqua Canna nutes all the way through, I'm using crop circles as my medium, and I'm using an Ebb n Flow flood n drain system...This is my very 1st grow so I've been keeping a very close eye on my women sense I started the flush to watch for any sign of stress or anything...SO HERES THE PROBLEM: Today I went to check them to see how they were doing with no water and on 1 of my colas I noticed this white stuff that looks like MOLD!!! :cry: The BEST way I can describe it, is that it looks like I took a cotton ball and pulled it apart till it was very very thin and put it on my cola....I frantically started researching and going through all sorts of pics to identify what it is and if there's any solution...and it kinda looks like the white stuff on the bud rot pics but it said that bud rot is slimy and I also noticed in the pics that where the white stuff was the bud looked discolored...in my case the white stuff is not slimy..when you touch it, it almost feels like air and disappears...(hope that makes sense)...and my bud is not discolored at all...If anyone can help me diagnose this and give me any solutions I'd so GREATLY APPRITIATE IT!!!!!!kiss-assIt Would SOOOOO SUCK :cry: to loose my plants the day before chop... PLEASE SOMEONE HELP ME!!!!!

Hope you can see it in the pics...but like I sais above it looks like a cotton ball pulled apart till it was very very thin.....



Well-Known Member
Yikes man that is mold and it is COVERED. Either your humidity was too high, no fan, or you misted while in flowering stage.


Yikes man that is mold and it is COVERED. Either your humidity was too high, no fan, or you misted while in flowering stage.
I thought it was mold... and it wasn't there last night.. that's whats scary how fast it covered that 1 cola... lucky I don't see it on any of the others...So, is that bud garbage?? like there's nothing I can do to save it right?? and do you have any suggestions on how to not let it get to other buds?? should I just go ahead and chop today instead of tomorrow??? and I really don't know how it got there my fans been running,my humidity was spot on and I haven't watered in 2 days cause of my chop...and I know not to mist when in flowering... :( sense it's my chop day tomorrow I figured I wouldn't waste time figuring out how I got it just more on how to stop it from spreading and what I should do... I'm frantic :cry:


Well-Known Member
Ya bud, looks like mold. I have zero expirience with it but heres what id do, like i said, zero expirience. Id chop right now. Then id trim up and disect the infected buds and remove the mold spots. Id try and dry fast so it doesnt keep growing and the infected plants id over dry before curing and then when theyre in the jars dry as a popcorn fart id try to rehydrate them a little. Good luck bro :):):)


Well-Known Member
I thought it was mold... and it wasn't there last night.. that's whats scary how fast it covered that 1 cola... lucky I don't see it on any of the others...So, is that bud garbage?? like there's nothing I can do to save it right?? and do you have any suggestions on how to not let it get to other buds?? should I just go ahead and chop today instead of tomorrow??? and I really don't know how it got there my fans been running,my humidity was spot on and I haven't watered in 2 days cause of my chop...and I know not to mist when in flowering... :( sense it's my chop day tomorrow I figured I wouldn't waste time figuring out how I got it just more on how to stop it from spreading and what I should do... I'm frantic :cry:
Get cutting ;)


Well-Known Member
As far as looking at that one cola and seeing the amount of mold in it, I cant help but think the entire plant must look like that, it should be totally infested. If you dont see mold on the other buds yes I would cut it down and salvage what you can because it will only be a matter of time before the mold starts showing elsewhere. Dry it out really really good, I wouldnt even jar it anytime soon until you know that are very very dry so that mold doesnt spread. Careful when smoking, mold is highly toxic and can make you really sick. Good luck.

redeye jedi88

Active Member
get it out there asap and double check everything you dont want to lose everything in your dry/cure process aswell hope you get it sorted man


Well-Known Member
Sorry about your luck man. Like they said, make sure to remove it all. I smoked moldy bud when I was younger, and it only took me once to learn. I had the nastiest lung/chest cold for over a week. Just hackin up all kinds of sheet


Well-Known Member
Cut and chuck the moldy bud. Get RH way down and move air. Or cut it all now and remove mold.


Thank you ALL so VERY VERY MUCH for your quick responses and for your help!!! I guess I know what I'll be doing for the next 10 hours.. chop chop chopin..lmao.. The buds right under that cola are fine no trace of it at all!!! luckily!!! (only that 1 cola has it and like I said above it wasn't there last night..WIERD huh???

here's some pics of the ones right underneath that cola...In the pics I can see white but thats just the trichs because in person I seen no sign of the stuff that was on the one cola on any of the underneath ones...I did chop that cola off already..and covered all the under and around plants with plastic before I chopped it off to prevent spreading...and chopped off the bud that was directly underneath for closer inspection...
Also, do guys think I should dry the infected cola in a totally diffrent area?? and should I maybe dry in a lower humidity and a colder temp than suggested?? I was thinking maybe that would help stop the spreading and growing of anymore mold... so confused...cant believe this happend the day before schedruled chop.. :cry:



OH YA, guys I'm a female...lol...I get called bro alot on this site..so, I figured maybe I should say something... LMAO... just messing...you guys are taking the time to help me so you guys can call me whatever!! Thanks again to All of you for your quick answers I so appreciate it! kiss-ass :hug:


Well-Known Member
Yes someplace else..Check youtube for a H2O2 drip before drying. Watch your cure real carefully.


Well-Known Member
OH YA, guys I'm a female...lol...I get called bro alot on this site..so, I figured maybe I should say something... LMAO... just messing...you guys are taking the time to help me so you guys can call me whatever!! Thanks again to All of you for your quick answers I so appreciate it! kiss-ass :hug:
i thought your hands looked a little dainty :) whens the next round starting, are ya going to make a grow journal?


i thought your hands looked a little dainty :) whens the next round starting, are ya going to make a grow journal?
LoL!!! probably gonna start my seeds very soon... wanted to bleach down my area and all my equipment a bunch of times to make sure there's no mold spores left... and ya I'm definitely gonna keep a journal next time...I really wish I would of kept one this time but with it being my very 1st grow ever I kinda was a little over whelmed with researching and making sure everything went right...lol...I still can't believe that I went the hole time with really no problems and the day before chop I get mold...I'm just so glad that is was only on that one cola and it was at the very end!!!


Active Member
Botrytis is nasty stuff. Glad it wasn't too terrible for you.

As previously stated thoroughly sanitize your grow room and all gear. Air flow and watching humidity will serve you well.

Good luck on your next grow!


Well-Known Member
LoL!!! probably gonna start my seeds very soon... wanted to bleach down my area and all my equipment a bunch of times to make sure there's no mold spores left... and ya I'm definitely gonna keep a journal next time...I really wish I would of kept one this time but with it being my very 1st grow ever I kinda was a little over whelmed with researching and making sure everything went right...lol...I still can't believe that I went the hole time with really no problems and the day before chop I get mold...I'm just so glad that is was only on that one cola and it was at the very end!!!
Well hopefully you got it figured out and it wasnt that bad, worse things could have happened really. Hope cure goes good for ya, let me know when i can subb up to the next one ;)


Botrytis is nasty stuff. Glad it wasn't too terrible for you.

As previously stated thoroughly sanitize your grow room and all gear. Air flow and watching humidity will serve you well.

Good luck on your next grow!

I am definitely sanitizing everything to the extreme..lol... I'm even prolonging the start of new seeds so I can sanitize everything on an daily basis for the next week or 2...so ,I can make sure that horrible stuff is gone...I cant believe how fast it grows!!!! I checked the night before and saw nothing and then the next afternoon it was there and all over that 1 cola...I looked up a bunch of info on what could happen if you smoke mold and the info was scary!!!..that stuffs horrible!!! I hope I never have to deal with that again...Thanks for your replys!!!:hug:


Well hopefully you got it figured out and it wasnt that bad, worse things could have happened really. Hope cure goes good for ya, let me know when i can subb up to the next one ;)
I think I got it figured out!!! at least I hope so!!! I quick dryed that 1 cola Well what I thought was safe to salvage.... and I also dryed (well I'm still drying) it and that whole plant in a totally different area than the other plants...I also chopped up all the colas :cry: of the other plants...( made me sick :spew: when I had to cut them up, I love the big hunky looking buds!!!) but I wanted to make sure there was nothing present and wanted them to dry a little faster and to make sure that horrible stuff doesn't pop up any where else!!!! And like I said above I'm waiting a week or 2 to start my seeds because I'm cleaning and sanitizing daily so I can make sure that horrible stuff is dead, gone and there's not a single spore left on anything in my grow area or on my equipment...Thank you so much for your replys!!! :hug: