please help, leaves brown, crispy, twisted - pictures inside

george xxx

Active Member
never used the miracle grow, but out of what you got, it's probably the best, maybe make a weak mix using miracle grow 1/4 strengh and a weak pinch of the bio bloom, i personally would go to find a new 'balanced' feed, sure some people have recomended tomato food over miracle grow, not sure, depends what you have at your disposal.
you need a more balanced feed, read this, should help :)

and you need to give them a good flush to clear the rubble they had pumped thru them :) and feed weaker than you have been doing.

I dont think it's deficiency as it's frying your new growth, big flush, better balanced N-P-K and lower feed levels and you may have a chance of recovery :) Good Luck!
Balanced food is 10-10-10 or 20-20-20
As stated in the link;
most balanced blends have sufficient amount of P to do the job.
The flush removes build up and does nothing more than a through watering. You only get overwatering if the soil is already too wet from overwatering. After flush let it dry until it needs water then feed 1/4 strength.

Trying to diagnose your problem at this stage is just a guessing game. Feeding bloom foods at full strength is a very good way to get what you have. Never start feeding more than 1/4 strength untill you see what it is doing to the plant. People over feed bloom foods because they seem to think more will do better. The only result from too much bloom is akin to what you have.


Well-Known Member
Afraid not, they just got gradually Worse & worse...We live and learn...
Ah damn, well I'm sure you'll figure out the issue this time round. Like you said, valuable lessons learned. Subbed in, good luck, keep us posted!


looks like a couple of those posts are suggesting/talkign as if the plants are still alive, just to clarify, they are NOT :)
all 100% dead and buried. im now onto my second attempt. 5 8-ball Kush and 5 Afghan #1.

as promised in my last post, here's some pictures, check out the twin! 2 completely seperate seedlings, with seperate roots popped out of a single seed. amazing.
i pulled the little one out, to avoid them both fighting for the same nutes. and replanted him in another peat (equivelant) pellet. so now i have 11!



Well-Known Member
Twins hah that's bad ass! I've never heard of that but I guess nature will have her way sometimes. 2 for 1 is awesome though!