ok I have no pictures right now but I know somone has to know what im talking about. I'll load pics when I get a chance.
My leafs are turning light green from the stem leaf towards the the tips of the leafs. They haven't reached the tips of the leafs. But it does look like its progressing.
I recently switched to soil 25% ffof 75% organic potting soil no nutrients yet. Giving regular filtered water.
What is this?... please help how can I fix it?
Also my new growth looks like it's just coming out light green as well?
Well hell. I hate to hear about your baby that's sickly!

it would make it eaiser to judge problem with a picture.
So I'm going to post a picture of one & you tell me if it looks like that type of "yellow" "lime green"? Also here's a deficiency guide for you to go by & hopefully diagnose the problem!
Quick Deficiency Guide
(x) Nitrogen: Entire plant is light green in color; lower leaves are yellow; growth is stunted....
(x) Phosphorous: Entire plant is bluish-green, often developing a red or purplish cast; lower leaves may be yellow, drying to a greenish-brown to black color; growth may be stunted...
(x) Potassium: Leaves have a papery appearance; dead areas along the edges of leaves; growth is stunted...
(x) Magnesium: Lower leaves turn yellow along the tips and margin and between the veins; the lower leaves wilt...
(x) Calcium: Young stems and new leaves die...
(x) Iron: Leaf tissue appears yellow, while the veins remain green...
(x) Copper: Leaf edges appear dark green or blue; leaf edges curl upward; young leaves permanently wilt...
(x) Mananese: Growth is stunted; lower leaves have a checkered pattern of yellow and green...
(x) Boron: Young leaves are scorched at tips and margins...
Molybdenum: Leaves are stunted, pale green, and malformed...
Sulfur: Young leaves turn pale green, while the older leaves remain green; plant is stunted and spindly...
Zinc: Leaf tissue between the veins is lighter in color; yellowed; papery in appearance...
Heat Stress: looks alot like nutrient burn, except it occurs only at the tops of the plants closest to the lamps. There's only one cure for this...get the heat away from the plants.
Light burn: White, bleached portions of leaves nearest the light also burnt necrotic patches if the damage is severe.
(x) Ph Problems: One of the first signs of having a slight ph problem is, your plant having part of the leaves kind of twisty, spotty with brown, yellowish, red spots within each other.
The 1st picture is "Calcium" deficiency.
The 2nd is "Zinc deficiency".
The 3rd is "Nute Burn".
I hope this helps out somewhat bro!

take er easy. And let me know how it goes..
Later. Your friend, Dank.