Please help make sure I'm doing this right


image.jpgOk I have a plant not sure of the strain it was out of a very good bag of weed I have it under 24 hour light with six 1600 lumen 6500k cfl bulbs the temp is a steady 72 to 76 temp at all times the plant seems to be growing slanted but the top is always up facing the lights the leaves have begun to droop and feel crisp with no abnormalities to the leaves all look healthy it is getting bushy and the first set of leaves fell off and also the ones above those I have not added any nutes at this time please help so I can get it back on track here are some pics image.jpg


Normal for those sets to fall off, at least in my grow.
Plant looks normal. Just lightly water when it needs it, probably start topping after the next node pops.
Good job on no nutes. Just good water and TLC till she get bigger.
Good grow!


Ok so the drooping of the leaves is Normal water like every three days seems to work for me still not sure if male or female either and also just notice three or four roots trying to come out of the drain holes and as far as topping a friend of mine just did that said it would be fine I sure hope so
Yeah, good watering schedule for now. It will change as plants get larger.
I started topping at the 5th node, probably topped about 4 times and should have done more.
Well maybe throw them into 2 or 3 gallon pots now and let them veg for a few weeks in there. That should alleviate the roots trying to grow out.

Sexing, well that takes awhile before you will know. My plants reached sexual maturity almost 8 weeks after sprouting, once the nodes start inner-spacing opposite each other you will see either the pistils or the balls form. Both and you got a baby RuPaul. You could also in a few weeks pull some clone plants off and throw them directly into 12/12 lighting and determine much faster if you don't want to wait.
Being new sprouts. Those fan leaves will grow out and be bright green and large overtime. I have some leaves that are twisted, some that are perfect, some that are just strange but no issues with them. Healthy green. Looks really good keep at it.


Ok I am going to put in bigger pot for sure I'm just worried cause it doesn't look like any plants I've seen real bushy and not growing up a thinned out like your first grow pics
Those concerns have to do with strains, fuller as opposed to tall and lanky, as well to do with lighting. I also lollipopped the crap out of my plants a few weeks ago which made them look less full before flowering commenced. Keep it up man you will be happy in a few weeks!


image.jpgimage.jpgThat's the new set up thanks for the advice I will post pics in a couple of weeks for update anything else you wanna add or see wrong let me know
Looks great man! You are going to have a nice looking plant, provide that TLC and you will will be a happy smoker in a few weeks time!