please help me by taking a look.


Active Member
so guys this is my first ever grow. its some Ethiopian am not sure what strain exactly. i vegged for about 35 days and its been flowering for 32.
i want to know everything that comes to mind when you see the kids but what i really wanna know is.
how much longer till i can enjoy em?
p.s i haven't used any nutes on them just watering every 2 days or when they are dry.



Well-Known Member
I would get some nutes in them as soon as shouldn't be half way to finishing yet, which is bad for you as you'll have to wait, but good for her because at 32 days there may still be time to get some food in her.
Good luck! :)


Active Member
fed you mean water or nutes? ive never given them nutes. so guys what should i do? just go out and get nutes? what kind though? heeeellllllllllppppppppppppppp


Well-Known Member
Get whatever you can, she's starving! You'll find three numbers on nute bottles these are for N-P-K, you want to get something even like 5-5-5- or 10-10-10 etc.

Half strength, mixed into the next watering....then come back and update us.

Cannabis is also one tough lady :)


Well-Known Member
And whilst you're getting nutes, you may want to get a bigger pot...she may well take off once she has some room to stretch her feet!

I've seen it happen...