Please . . . help me determine sex

These were swapped to 12/12 on 3/26. How soon can I determine sex? There are 8 different individual plants numbered 1 through 8. 9 & 10 show all of them.

Are there any indicators showing now?




Well-Known Member
Good to see some nice up close pics and which sex they are. Mine are just starting to show and wasn't sure on most of them.
Damn good ratio too! Enjoy


Well-Known Member
pic 6 is a girl. The rest i only see stipules growing. I dont see any pistils. pic 6 for sure i see a pistil. Dont mean to rain on your parade. If their were pistils on those other pics i would of noticed them, i zoomed in all the way and carefully looked over the whole pics. Update us in a few days and maybe we'll be able to tell on the rest.


Well-Known Member
pic 6 is a girl. The rest i only see stipules growing. I dont see any pistils. pic 6 for sure i see a pistil. Dont mean to rain on your parade. If their were pistils on those other pics i would of noticed them, i zoomed in all the way and carefully looked over the whole pics. Update us in a few days and maybe we'll be able to tell on the rest.
rained on mine too, going by what was said above I thought I had ton of girls too :sad:
Just to clarify . . . when you reference a plant number, are you referencing the jpg file number or the order they are in the list? My inclination is to think you are referencing the file number, but just wanted to make sure.

No rain on my parade. 1 confirmed is better than 0 confirmed. These were bag seeds, and if I get 50/50 I'll be plenty happy.

I will post an update when I can to get further opinions.

1st grow and no problems so far.

Thanks guys.


Well-Known Member
I meant the 6th pic according to what comes up when you click on them. if you click on the first pic you'll see 1 of however many pics youve got total in the post, in this case 10, hit next and you'll see 2 of 10, etc. Your expectations are about right, it could always go and be very lopsided but i'd guess you'll get 4-6 females. Thats about average.
Updated Pics . . . any more confirmations?

Am I right in thinking that 1,2,3,4,5 & 8 look female?

Also, is it normal for them to grow really fast immediately after switching to 12/12? These things have really changed in a week and I have about 7 more to go I guess. These things went to 12/12 at about 11" tall . . . I know it is somewhat strain dependent, but how tall are they likely to finish?

Please tell me what you think.




Well-Known Member
pics 5-6 cant tell for sure, might be seeing a pistil but the angle makes it hard to tell, pic 7 looks like a boy, but give it a bit of time, All the other pics i see pistils(well, except pic 9 of course since its just a pic of the plants in the grow area.) I dont want to scare you but you'll still want to keep your eyes open. the pistils are a great sign but one or two may still be a hermie (or if your luck really sucks more). genetic hermies really suck but when you use bagseed you run that risk, as well as the risk they may be more sensitive to turning hermie due to stress. You'll most likely be fine, ive done lots of plants just for the purpose of experimenting on that i dont want to risk wasting good expensive seeds on, but the risk is there. Have you ever heard of dutchmasters reverse? It is a chemical you spray on hermie plants to stop them from making male flowers and kill any currently around. Unfortunatley it cannot undue a plant being pollinated and the plant making seeds because of it. So you want to catch any hermies and spray asap, so its a good idea to keep some on hand just in case, I do. You'll also need dutchmasters penetrator or saturator.