please help me diagnose this problem


Well-Known Member
Hi every1, sorry the pics arent so good, crappy camera i guess.

I have 8 red desiels about 4-5 weeks into flowering, and ALOT of leaves are turning brighter green/yellow. Some on two or three plants look brown on the edges, and kinda dried out. Most of this is happening on the top of the plants. i have them kinda bunched together.

ive been feeding them the recommended dose of tiger bloom and calmag

if theres anymore info u need just let me know xD


Well-Known Member
i just ran out of big bloom a few weeks ago so the past few feedings ive just been adding tiger bloom and calmag. i have some grow big, but its not recommended at this time i think.

Im using a 600 watt hps thats about 16-18 inches from the top middle. i was thinking light may be too close, but the ones closest to hte light seem to be the healthiest, so idk


Well-Known Member
lights are fine.. you should always add cal/mag with FF nutes(unless you are using tap water)<--that also depends on what type of water you have...

grow big is used week 4 or 5 of flowering once(i used to do it twice, dont add to much prolongs flowering)

annnddd get big bloom..its important during this time


Well-Known Member
ya i use to only use distilled water when i only would have 1 or 2 plants going on. i think that lead to mag def. but now with more plants i switched to tap water cause that shit gets expensive.
i been meaning to get some more big bloom, prob get some this weekend. So you think my problem is lack of big bloom???


Well-Known Member
Hi every1, sorry the pics arent so good, crappy camera i guess.

I have 8 red desiels about 4-5 weeks into flowering, and ALOT of leaves are turning brighter green/yellow. Some on two or three plants look brown on the edges, and kinda dried out. Most of this is happening on the top of the plants. i have them kinda bunched together.

ive been feeding them the recommended dose of tiger bloom and calmag

if theres anymore info u need just let me know xD
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raise the light. oh and get a better camera