PLEASE HELP me find this strain fellas! "Blueberry Yum Yum"

Hey guys! Please help me locate this strain!! If anyone has ever seen it at a seedbank, or knows someone that has it, please message me or somthing!! I gotta have this strain for my collection!! I absolutely LOVE blue & purple strains!! But I have to say, this one takes the cake!! Its name is "Blueberry Yum Yum"!! Strain Name: Blueberry Yum Yum, & here is the information on it:

Grade: A+

Type: I’m sure it’s a hybrid because it is an Indica, but has Sativa traits.

Looks: The most beautiful plant I have ever seen. They literally resemble blueberries with buds resembling blueberries and a fruity flavor when smoked. The blue and purple buds spread across in a beautiful stream, giving this plant some elegance.

Smell: Divine, the fruitiest smell of any other plant I ever had. You might think you will be rolling up blueberry muffins rather that cannabis.

Taste: Savor this taste because it is unforgettable. You get that sweet berry inhale, with a soft smoke that smells like blueberry heaven.

Effects: A good dosage of this will keep you feeling great through the rest of the day. It leaves you full of energy and enhances the senses. One may start appreciating everything like T.V., music, imagination, and laughter. This plant was made to have a fun time. Great for the day time, and the outdoors, but one can relax indoors and still have the same plentiful experience no problem.

Potency: Very High. Light-weights be careful, do not let the plant’s voluptuous blue side fool you. This plant can be immense. Too much can leave you paranoid for a good hour. A good 3-4 hits will have you through the day.

I am going to post a picture of it, so you can see what I am talking about!! Imo I honestly believe its the most beautiful plant/flower I've ever seen!! :mrgreen:

** Please try to help me locate ** my mother had tried this strain, & she loved it, as did I. !! And we found out that my mother has cancer, & I would really,really love to be able to grow her favorite flower for her 1 last time!! :(
It will/would be really apperciated!! Thanks guys!! Your friend, Dank..

Good Strain For: Mood enhancer, appetite, cramps/pms,etc'
Message me bro
You should pm me bro. I've been doing alot of work with yum yum the past 2 or 3 uears

Yo I just made this account to bump this thread because I'm looking for Blueberry Yum Yum Seeds! !!! Will give my arms and legs to have that strain. I remember when the song first came out... man its time for me to try itt frfrfr
Yo I just made this account to bump this thread because I'm looking for Blueberry Yum Yum Seeds! !!! Will give my arms and legs to have that strain. I remember when the song first came out... man its time for me to try itt frfrfr
I asked this to DJ Short, and he recommended breeders mix #2 or #4 would almost contain that indica leaning blueberry candy flavor that I too was searching for.
Thank you I'm gonna get those seeds for real that kush looks like it slappps but I still gotta search for blueberry yum yum I gotta try it at least once in my life
i for sure would of but I had already blown my load of cash at Indo, but I still plan on ordering them soon.
I'm growing this now, I"ll post some photos of it to my journal later. She is a good producer, very blue smelling, but with a hint of grapes. Just been praying and chunking up this entire time. its my 2nd grow with her, doing much better the 2nd time around. Its a good option if you dont have a ton of cash to drop right now.
Edit: here is the Original Berry I got going 981E3869-B97B-4046-9F16-A2822FFE4692.jpegA10D619D-A066-4AB9-95BE-23E58E9CFE48.jpeg
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