Please help me identify the issue!


Well-Known Member

Hello guys. Total noob on my first grow. I just moved my plants into my grow room and noticed beige on the leaves. I wasn't sure if I had the lights too close or if its a nutrient deficiency. I'm leaning towards nute deficiency, but was wondering if a more experienced grower might be able to help. In that pic, the light is about 18 inches above the plants. There's new growth, but I'm worried about the spots. Thanks in advance!



Well-Known Member
Im growing in ocean forest. Nutes are bio canna. The biggest plant is about 6 weeks. The lights are inda-grow 420par.

G.H., so by your chart, it looks like a phosphorous deficiency and possibly nitrogen as well? How can I fix it?


Well-Known Member
Im growing in ocean forest. Nutes are bio canna. The biggest plant is about 6 weeks. The lights are inda-grow 420par.

G.H., so by your chart, it looks like a phosphorous deficiency and possibly nitrogen as well? How can I fix it?
Where do you get phosphorus deficiency from???


Well-Known Member
I was looking at the chart and the phosphorous looks like the spots on my plants. They're not brown just yellow. The lower leaves are starting to look really bad though.

If its just N, what is the best way to correct the problem? The bio canna I have is 3-1-5. I have to admit, I haven't been the best at adding the nutes. Mostly because I'm not sure of the frequency. I was trying to do once a week so as not to burn the plants, but the schedule got messed up when I went on vacation. Can I correct the problem using the nutes I have if I use them 2-3 times a week? Or should I go to my local shop and just get some nitrogen? Thanks for the help guys! I really appreciate it.


Well-Known Member
depending on how quickly the medium dries out will be how much nutes you add. the longer it takes to dry out the more concentrated your nutes will be. if you water every 2 days like me, i do a full dose (5ml/gal food, 5ml/gal cal-mag[cause i use coco]) then next watering 1/2 dose... then following 1/4 dose. each watering i make sure there is around 10% runoff of (the water i put in that runs out of the medium). here i recheck it and its usually within .2 of the ph going into it. everyone has their own feeding sched depending on nutes and medium and size/strain of plants.


Well-Known Member
Thanks Nizza. That's a good starting point. I added nutes last night and was thinking of doing it again tomorrow. I think I may copy your feeding regimen and see how it turns out.