u guys are dumb i was drunk when i posted it thats the only reason i wanted to know cause it was bugging me if it was possible or not i have a 3.8 gpa how are you going to tell me im stupid?
What? It continues? Oh, I see, you don't use punctuation, or capitals, or ................ words. You should figure that out cause something just isn't right. Thats how your being stupid.
If you want information on a drug do some diligent searching and find your way over to one or multiple of these sacred resources for drug information. Are you ready? Cause Ill only say it once, thats right, Im gonna let this shit out today. Two of the three you will be surprised about. you dummy:
Firstly my least used resource for information, Erowid.org is a database of hundreds of chemicals, pharmacuticles, and herbal intoxicants. You should be able to find most everything you are looking for to do with common drugs, some of the less common ones are not added to as regularly. If erowid yields no fruit then my secondary resource, which is likely my most used, usually will, Fucking Wikipedia hombre! Lots of people don't like Wikipedia because the pages can be edited by anyone at any point, but I have found that people are generally not going to just post fake information, but it is a possibility which is why i often compound the info from erowid and Wikipedia and do some cross referencing. But the master piece of all of my effort, it is the god of all information accessing devices, Google!! If you didn't think of fucking Google than you are a fucking dumbass, google is all that needs to be said, except that wikipedia is often a high result on google searches so be weary.
Obviously you aren't that enlightened about the formal education system and that grades are never a fixed point of comparison when dealing with intellectual ability. Current education systems are designed to train people to repeat information than actually learning about the subject. If you can't wrap your mind around that I'll break it down for you. Say your in science class and learning about covalent bonding you learn that two or more atoms share electrons pairs to allow the atoms to join and make a molecule. But what you may not have known is,
"Today the valence bond model has been augmented by the molecular orbital model. In this model, as atoms are brought together, the atomic orbitals interact to form molecular orbitals, which are linear sums and differences of the atomic orbitals. These molecular orbitals are a cross between the original atomic orbitals and generally extend between the two bonding atoms.
Using quantum mechanics, it is possible to calculate the electronic structure, energy levels, bond angles, bond distances, dipole moments, and electromagnetic spectra of simple molecules with a high degree of accuracy. Bond distances and angles can be calculated as accurately as they can be measured (distances to a few pm and bond angles to a few degrees). For small molecules, calculations are sufficiently accurate to be useful for determining thermodynamic heats of formation and kinetic activation energy barriers."
---Some decent guy at Wikipedia.