please help me pick a piece

i think most of their following is because you cant really find any other sites with a decent bong selection. its really the only legitimate headshop online. there are other sites that sell pipes and such but are often times shady(inferior glass) and dont carry as good of a selection as EDIT. shipping may be longer because the sites based in the uk but the OP's location says hes in the UK already so i dont see it being a huge problem.

p.s. what do you mean the stores only accept cash? you cant get your hands on cash? how do you pay the credit card bill?


the only thing i was confused about slides was, are they the same as a metal screen? so if i have a mix i can just put it all in the bowl?

and i do have a headshop near me but they only accept cash. i dont have any cash at the moment, only my credit card unit i get paid at the end of the month. my current account has no money in it :(

plus, that headshop near me. i went to just have a look at what they got when i was off work sick last week and they wernt even open. so god knows if there still in business.

does any body know delivery times with everybodydoesit? its my birthday coming up and id like to have it for then.

the only thing i was confused about slides was, are they the same as a metal screen? so if i have a mix i can just put it all in the bowl?

and i do have a headshop near me but they only accept cash. i dont have any cash at the moment, only my credit card unit i get paid at the end of the month. my current account has no money in it :(

plus, that headshop near me. i went to just have a look at what they got when i was off work sick last week and they wernt even open. so god knows if there still in business.

does any body know delivery times with everybodydoesit? its my birthday coming up and id like to have it for then.

took 10 buisness days from england to the east coast(us)

very discreet packaging, very nicely wrapped. EveryoneDoesIT.Co.Uk is the way to go in my humble opinon.

unless of course you wanna go wholesale and get some pipes for a few friends or have them chip in aswell, then id say go to

the only thing i was confused about slides was, are they the same as a metal screen? so if i have a mix i can just put it all in the bowl?

You need a glass screen (little glass thing that covers hole but lets air by) or do what I do which is shape a screen into a cone shape and drop it in the bowl. After a few hits there will be enough resin to keep the screen in place.

They make nice glass bongs with carberators if you do not like sliders

the only thing i was confused about slides was, are they the same as a metal screen? so if i have a mix i can just put it all in the bowl?

and i do have a headshop near me but they only accept cash. i dont have any cash at the moment, only my credit card unit i get paid at the end of the month. my current account has no money in it :(

plus, that headshop near me. i went to just have a look at what they got when i was off work sick last week and they wernt even open. so god knows if there still in business.

does any body know delivery times with everybodydoesit? its my birthday coming up and id like to have it for then.

most headshops have a laidback atmosphere as you might have guessed..long lunch breaks, opening late, closing a little early.. this is my experience with my local stores...i tend to say online bongshopping for the win, i am yet to be disappointed..
god damn stoners.....

could of made some money but instead they slack

:-P it is what it is :)

anyways i like online service better, atleast if they're over charging you online they arent doing it to your face...(not that i feel ive ever been over charged for any of my bongs as they've all been worth every penny. all of em bought online except for my first acrylic back in highschool)

the only thing i was confused about slides was, are they the same as a metal screen? so if i have a mix i can just put it all in the bowl?

and i do have a headshop near me but they only accept cash. i dont have any cash at the moment, only my credit card unit i get paid at the end of the month. my current account has no money in it :(

plus, that headshop near me. i went to just have a look at what they got when i was off work sick last week and they wernt even open. so god knows if there still in business.

does any body know delivery times with everybodydoesit? its my birthday coming up and id like to have it for then.

i think you have some words turned around. what you are calling a slide is a glass screen. slides are a bowl connected to a downstem that you "slide" out to clear the bong. i would never put a metal screen in a glass bowl imho its just plain stupid. if you end up ordering from EDIT(im sure shipping will be much faster than 10 days concidering that was to the states and youre local) then just get a couple of the glass screens they sell on there(i linked earlier). once you get them you can see if you really need them. i personally dont. i just put a big piece or two at the bottom of the bowl and then put all the shake on top so it doesnt go through. with a screen you can pack all shake and it wont matter.
i think you have some words turned around. what you are calling a slide is a glass screen. slides are a bowl connected to a downstem that you "slide" out to clear the bong. i would never put a metal screen in a glass bowl imho its just plain stupid. if you end up ordering from EDIT(im sure shipping will be much faster than 10 days concidering that was to the states and youre local) then just get a couple of the glass screens they sell on there(i linked earlier). once you get them you can see if you really need them. i personally dont. i just put a big piece or two at the bottom of the bowl and then put all the shake on top so it doesnt go through. with a screen you can pack all shake and it wont matter.

ahh thanks thats helped. so what i was really meant to ask was, do the slides have screens/ash catchers in them? so i can put my mix straight into to slide, burn,smoke, slide out without any hassle?

if not i guess i can just buy the slide seperate to fit the bong i want.
ahh thanks thats helped. so what i was really meant to ask was, do the slides have screens/ash catchers in them? so i can put my mix straight into to slide, burn,smoke, slide out without any hassle?

if not i guess i can just buy the slide seperate to fit the bong i want.

slides usually come as just a downstem and a bowl at the top. some of them are an ashcatcher/bowl. the thing is the bong you showed earlier doesnt use a slide in the literal sense. ill try to explain everything with pics here

the bong you showed(the spot on glass on EDIT) is a glass on glass bong. this means that the bowl is attached by an all glass connection. the connection looks something like this:

you see the white part? thats a glass on glass connection. this particular bong is a 3 piece. it consists of the tube, a downstem, and a bowl.
heres what the downstem looks like

if you notice it has 2 white parts. the bottom one connects it to the tube(the main part of the bong) and the top is where the bowl goes.
heres what the bowl will look like
if you see it also has a white part to connect to the downstem.
now downstems can also be called diffusers. the difference is diffusers have either holes or slits cut in the bottom of the downstem that help spread the smoke out in the water making smaller bubbles that smooth the smoke out more. heres a pic of a diffuser:

another common type of bong is the o ring/slide type. this uses a slide(a bowl attached to the downstem. the slide has a rubber ring on the downstem part to seal it to the bong.
heres what a slide for one of these looks like:

now the inside of the slide or bowl for either type of bong is going to generally be the same. its really just like a pipe. they dont come with screens or ashcatchers or anything. if you think youll need a screen for yours then you should go ahead and get one.(one size fits all bro) basically its just a piece of glass that goes in the bottom and allows air to come through the hole but keeps the weed in the bowl(for the most part). heres what a screen looks like and how it goes in the bowl:

as for ashcatchers, they come in a couple different types.
(youll have trouble finding some for the slide type but im sure they make them) you can either get ones with the bowl/ashcatcher in one. or you can get one with glass on glass connections so you can put your bowl in there.
really good explanation but what is the point of buying a bong that just has a down pipe with a bowl attached. there'd be nowhere to put my weed, it'd just fall into the main chamber.

so ok, u said that the spot on bong i linked had a glass downpipe with a bowl. can i just buy a slide to put into that bowl?
really good explanation but what is the point of buying a bong that just has a down pipe with a bowl attached. there'd be nowhere to put my weed, it'd just fall into the main chamber.

so ok, u said that the spot on bong i linked had a glass downpipe with a bowl. can i just buy a slide to put into that bowl?

you put the weed into the bowl. a slide and a bowl are pretty much the same thing. a slide is just a bowl with a downstem connected to it. you "slide" it in and out of the bong hence the name.

do you have a pipe? you would put weed into the bowl the same way you would put it in the bowl of a pipe. if you have a glass on glass bong then theres no reason to have a slide. slides are generally only put on soft glass bongs. glass on glass is much better.

EDIT: you said slide but after reading over it again i think you mean screen? let me know if thats what you mean because its kind of confusing. if you meant screen then:

you can put weed in the bowl without a screen. most people will put bigger pieces on the bottom and small pieces ontop because the big pieces are too big to fall through the hole. if you dont have any big pieces then a screen will work to keep all the weed into the bowl. if you get a glass on glass like the spot on you picked out then you should just go ahead and get a couple screens from EDIT. they are cheap and get lost easy.
really good explanation but what is the point of buying a bong that just has a down pipe with a bowl attached. there'd be nowhere to put my weed, it'd just fall into the main chamber.

so ok, u said that the spot on bong i linked had a glass downpipe with a bowl. can i just buy a slide to put into that bowl?

i feel like you dont have your bong terminology down...

the downpipe is the "female slide".

the bowl is the "male slide"

the "glass screens" go inside the male slide to keep your smokables from pulling through.

now a bong with a male slide that did not get removed, usually has a carb on it..

im not even sure i fully understand how you are confused, but i know im getting confused trying to explain this haha..