PLEASE HELP ME!!!! read this


Well-Known Member
I dont see anything that looks like staminate (male) growth, i think what you're seeing is swolen seed bracts. Some more pictures wouldnt hurt though.


New Member
how many have u looked at mate??? ive posted 3 already have u seen them in this thread, 1 pic looks like there a mini bannana like i been told to look out for?? thanx for helping???


Well-Known Member
how many have u looked at mate??? ive posted 3 already have u seen them in this thread, 1 pic looks like there a mini bannana like i been told to look out for?? thanx for helping???
relax man, i looked at all 3. like i said, i didnt see anything that looks like balls\banannas\pollen sacs.
If you want further reassurance, post more pics.


Well-Known Member
Relax man, before you give yourself a panic attack.
Buds look good, and I can't see anything to worry about.


New Member
are u all looking at the same pics as me??????????????????????? not the one with the top colas the lower ones down, one pic shows like a yellow bannana looking thing at the node and the other a bunch of what look like pollen sacks LOOK CLOSER, would appreciate if some1 could have a proper look at all 3 and tell me if this is a hermi? PLZ and THANKYOU



Well-Known Member
Looks like healthy 'female only' flower clusters to me.
There maybe something odd looking in pic 026 which looks like 2 fingers and they're white.
Is that what your talking about?
Buds look really nice for 4 weeks in.
If you are really worried post some close ups. It's too hard to tell.


New Member
i kno the top colas look normal and goog for 4wks in but lower down the plant is what looks like pollen sacks in groups, i will say tho those sacks have two brown pistils coming out of each, and in 1 pic there is like a bannana looking thing ( fucking gutted as they were coming along awsome):confused:

il try my best to post some other pics, stay subscribed and let me kno thankyou all very much for ur contributions:-?



New Member
ive picked a fiew of these sacks and i dunno wetha its just like flesh or like a beginning of a sead formation? im so confused and pissed off at the same time!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Taking a look at that last pic it does look like you may have experienced some minor fertilisation in that area.
Maybe you did have a small male flower that pollinated a small area on the plant and once they do their business they fall off.
Once pollon comes in contact with the female pistils they will turn brown and the bract will swell as a seed grows.
This could be the case by the look of that last pic.
Don't worry if its a localised event. The other pistils around that area look very white and unfertilised.
How many plants do you have?
How many areas on the plant are like this?


New Member
2plants i was wondering why 1 plants had slwed right down on bud growth!!!!!!! and the pistils were turning red so early!!! there are simular signs on both plants if im being honest, the lower region seems were most of this is going on, some more pics in my last thread, feel free to comment, thanx mammath


Well-Known Member
If the pistils (stigmas) aren't brown they are just healthy large calyxes.
Some strains have oversized calyxes, it's in their genetics.
Many of those pics look like normal large calyxes.
If the plants has fertilised itself there's not much you can do other than check them both thoroughly for any more male flowers.
Lower buds is better than your tops getting riuned.
Keep an eye on things and watch for larger than normal swelling calyxes with dieing stigma. They should also begin to feel hard if seeds are forming.
This will give you an indication of the damage.
Leave them on the plant so you can inspect them to make sure their turning into seeds.


Well-Known Member
You're still freakin' out about this? They look fine!!!!!

If you haven't found any male parts anywhere how would your female get fertilized?

The first sign that your plant is a hermie isn't seeds homie, it's the male bits, you have only submitted pictures of swollen calyx's, I don't see any male bits!

You're strain just grows that way, my last grow I grew some Banana Kush and it had some seriously swollen calyx's too.

Nothing to keep freakin' out about. Keep looking around for pollen sacks, stop looking at calyx's.

drivin' yourself mad!


Well-Known Member
You're still freakin' out about this? They look fine!!!!!

If you haven't found any male parts anywhere how would your female get fertilized?

The first sign that your plant is a hermie isn't seeds homie, it's the male bits, you have only submitted pictures of swollen calyx's, I don't see any male bits!

You're strain just grows that way, my last grow I grew some Banana Kush and it had some seriously swollen calyx's too.

Nothing to keep freakin' out about. Keep looking around for pollen sacks, stop looking at calyx's.

drivin' yourself mad!
exactly! and if you see one male flower, soon enough you will see plenty more.. those are some swollen calyx's, which is good, in my opinion.


New Member
god i realy hope so my friend,didnt u sede the pic of like a bannana looking thing, this is my first grow and i put a lot of effort in thats ewhy im desparate for it not to go hermie on me!!! can u do anything with a herm if it does happen???