Please help me save my plants----quick!

I am growing using a drip system, unfortunately i ran out of water 1.5 days ago, I found out because the plants looked a little droopy. (I think I was out for about 12 hours)

I immediately added fresh water supply, along with all of my nutrients (Technaflora) and some Superthrive. PH balanced,etc.

The plants just continued to get worse as the day went on and within a few hours they were completely wilted looking.

Here is a picture of what they look like now and what they did a couple of days before....PLEASE HELP ME SAVE MY PLANTS.IMG_2131.jpgimg2130.jpg

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
You sure they are getting watered now? I hardly ever mist my plants, but I would with such a sever case of wilting. Also, If I ran out of water, I would have first given them just straight PH'd water.


I'm a soil grower but a few times I have let my plants get so dry they have looked just like yours. I thought they would never come back and I was freaking out, I watered them and within a few hours they looked perfect, couldn't even tell anything had been wrong.

Again I'm a soil grower but I don't think you have anything to worry about, just keep them moist and be patient.


Well-Known Member
How do you run out of water 1.5 days ago? You don't check your res?

They might bounce back still. How do your roots look?