Please Help Me "Sex" My Plants (Pics)

Hey everyone! I have a grow journal in the appropriate section, but I just thought I'd throw this out there and get as much collective help as possible!

This is my first successful grow from seed to sexing and I have studied long and hard on how to determine the gender of a plant. I have six plants in the grow, currently, and four are showing (I believe) signs of gender.

I'm almost 100% sure that I have it right, but I wanted to check with you all (knowledgeable and gracious as you all are!) and make sure I'm not chopping down any ladies!

The pictures included are Super Macro and cropped to where I believe the naughty bits are. Each photo is labeled with the name of the plant and I'll give you my idea (in order of the pictures) as to what I think each plant is.

Without further ado:

Dumbo - MALE (Booo)
Triclops - MALE (Booooo)
Clover - MALE (Hissss)

So, let me know what you all think, please! If anyone needs any additional pictures please do not hesitate to ask as I have a ton and a half of them. Sorry if the lighting is a bit wonky or if some of the photos are blurry; I am no nature photographer and a Super Macro lens, to me, is not an easy thing to use! :lol:

Happy smokin'! :leaf: :bigjoint:




Active Member
Dumbo is definitely a male. The first picture of Triclops looks masculine; however the other two pictures are inconclusive. I still see new growth so I can't be fo sho on that one haha. It looks like Clover is gonna be a male, but give it a little longer since it looks like it's the farthest one behind (Not a bad thing, I would just give it another week compared to the others). And Tipper is a beautiful female! I only had to look at the first pic to confirm that.

So it sounds like your on the right track as far as sexing goes. Noooow we're gonna need more info if you really want us to get down to the specifics haha. Age of plants? Length of Veg. light/dark cycle? Aaaaand how long ago did you switch to 12/12? Haha ok I hope this helps!
So it sounds like your on the right track as far as sexing goes. Noooow we're gonna need more info if you really want us to get down to the specifics haha. Age of plants? Length of Veg. light/dark cycle? Aaaaand how long ago did you switch to 12/12? Haha ok I hope this helps!
The plants are all different ages - Tipper being the eldest at over three months. The rest are somewhere in the two month range. (I'd have to go check to be more specific lol)

They've only been on the 12/12 for six days, but I am impatient and I have a nifty camera hahaha.

As far as the set up of the grow-space my grow journal has all of that (I'm too tired to go copy and paste all of the specifics so I'll just link the journal instead :P)

Thank you so much for your help!

Time to go compost Dumbo. Waaaah! :bigjoint: <--- Specs!
Okay, so (UPDATE TIME) I pulled Dumbo and Triclops. I know a few of you were iffy on Triclops but he was sharing a home with another potential female and she was starting to show signs of nute deficiency due to, I suppose, competition with the other plant.

So, I have (remaining) Clover, Tipper, Alice, and Baby. Alice and Baby are/were too young and neither has started showing visible signs of gender. That is, to say, I can look at Alice and see where the little calyx's will be when they form, but they're too minuscule to make out.

Tipper has been confirmed a girl, and without giving too much bad ju-ju ... I'm pretty sure Clover is a boy. Fingers crossed for Baby and Alice, please!
It still amazes me how much the plants can grow in one twenty-four hour period. Incredible! Well, yesterday I had you all help me determine the gender of some plants and the consensus on one named "Clover" was to wait until further development. Weeellll ... we have development and it doesn't appear to be in my favor.

But, as usual, just to make sure (for what should be the last time as I'm getting slightly efficient), I would like to enlist y'alls help once more.

Without further ado ... CLOVER:


looks pretty mannish haha but not really sure
Hah, yeah, it's funny how you can go, "Oh yeah... dude," because of how 'manly' it really does look.

:?:Wish you luck cause I feel for you for real mine looks almost exactly like yours just slightly behind 8th day since light change.:leaf:
It's awful isn't it? You'd think that it would be a 50/50 shot, but the odds seem more like 1:6 (to get a female).

100% correct. :cool:
Thank you!

becarful if spoted really early female can look like balls at first until the white hair bersts thro.......i would really wait a few day just to make sure
Yeah, I am extremely careful (which is why I am posting pictures), but the camera I'm using is a high res camera with an amazing "super" Macro lens and so I'm able to get photos of their reproductive organs much sooner than someone with a point-and-click digital camera would be able to. If you scroll back to the very first post you'll see "Tipper" who is my confirmed female and the hairs are more than apparent despite only being in the 12/12 cycle for six days.

I <3 my camera! Haha

Thank you everyone for your help and kindness! If you did NOT receive a "Rep Up" from me, please let me know and I will remedy that. :D