Please help me understand about Advanced Nutrients please!


Well-Known Member
I read something about a test crop with cannabis to compare the efficacy of AV to other fertilizers that
secretly formulate their lineup for cannabis a few days ago. AV had the best results.

Does anybody remember that page?


Well-Known Member
Hi guys I have just found this link about AN
I'd like to know what do you think about it please.
I was about to swap from CYCO to AN but after reading this I believe I will stick to what I've got....unless someone gives me good reasons to change.
Thanks to you all.
That website is an interesting example of the power of misinformation. The guy who runs it is kind of a tragic story actually, and he knows just enough science to be able to make the paranoid ramblings sound legitimate unless you really know your stuff.

There isn't a single thing wrong with Advanced Nutrients. IMHO they're the best nutes on the market and lots of other people agree (and disagree) on that point.

My advice: try 'em. See for yourself whether you like the nutes or not. But don't bother yourself with the rantings of a guy with a vendetta against a company he used to work for.


Well-Known Member
If you try em start off at 1/4 strength, I started with them at the beginning of my last grow and they are great nutes I just wish they weren't as expensive as they are and maybe a few less bottles lol there is like 15 additives. As for ANs base nutes I would go with the conniossuer. It's been amazing and the plants love it. I've seen a huge improvement over using general organics


Active Member
OMG I swear I have read this same post like 1000 times if u want proof of the power and reliablitity of advance nutrients check out my grow log all I use is advance nutrients, I also use my own mixtures I don't even follow the chart they give u, I use sensizym,voodoo juice,bud ignitor, big bug,bud candy, sensibloom a+b, all from advance nutrients I also add in some cal-mag plus I find an gets mag lock out ad high doseage wwithout adding cal-mag, I also add molases to enhance the microherd in the soil rhizosphere to help with absorbtion of nutes be careful with the molases as it may put ph out of wack at high levels u don't need allot of molases to help with the symbiotic relationship I use 7 tsp per 10litres I have just started adding it past 2 grows but does it ever make a difference looks like I poured.sugar all over my plants ill have updated picks tommorow I can help u with dosing if u give me what your using product wise and with more info on strain growing medium ect just PM me I absolutely love AN and I don't and will never use anything else now that I am much more advanced using AN I am going to switch my bloom sauce to the coinisuer blend of AN allot of people put them down bcz of price ect, if AN doesn't work its because of something your doing wrong I can't read enough threads with people complaining about beans breeders ect when its actualy the growers growers fault.