For all those following this thread and live where it gets cold in the winter, this is a PRIME reason to consider water cooling your op;
A trip to the local scrapyard and the hardware store netted me an old radiator, the fan shroud to go with it, a 20" box fan, and associated fittings to seal extraneous holes and make it fit the rest of my chilling lines.
I used duct tape and baling wire to hold everything together; in this case, the fan pulls the air through the radiator for best heat exchange efficiency. (In the growroom, heat is going the opposite direction so one wants to push the air through the exchange.)
Then, I waited until the thermometer dropped below 55f and plugged in the fan;
At 55 outdoors, it's maybe half a Ton. At 45, it's over a Ton. At 15f, it's providing so much chilling power than my indoor chiller shut off! This was not quite as good as it sounds; I use the rejected heat from my chiller to keep the house warm- so that fucker's gotta keep running during cold nights!
In other words, a sharp eye at the junkyard and less than $150 bought me easily three Tons of free chilling whenever the weather cooperates.
While it's not a panacea because it won't work in most places in the summer, it's going to pay for itself in power savings alone in a month or two. Seriously:
A Ton of cooling is about a thousand watts- more if your AC unit isn't very efficient. Running continuously, that's 24 kWh/day, or 720 kWh per month. That's about $75 at local winter rates. The colder it gets, the more Tons- and the more savings- I'll see.
This is like buying a junkyard Prius and realizing that after the first month of driving it, the thing will have paid for itself!