Please help me when harvest HD pic

Do they sell the little $5 universal clips on your phone camera magnifying lens anywhere near you? I think I bought mine at a cracker barrel or maybe a speedway, either way they actually work decent enough to useView attachment 4227221
still way too many clears, at least another couple of weeks.
try to get a better angle and look at them from the side, it's a lot easier to see if they're clear or milky from the side, a lot will look milky from straight overhead, when they aren't yet, you're just seeing the tip of the stem they're sitting on, through the clear head
Don’t know if any indica strain that takes 12 weeks
not trying to say this in a dick way...but how many indica strains do you know? i don't know of hardly any 'pure" strains available anymore, it's ALL interbred, cross bred mixes's incredibly rare to find a "pure" strain. that's why people get excited about landrace strains.
a strain may express 99% indica traits, but still have that good old sativa baking time....
still way too many clears, at least another couple of weeks.
try to get a better angle and look at them from the side, it's a lot easier to see if they're clear or milky from the side, a lot will look milky from straight overhead, when they aren't yet, you're just seeing the tip of the stem they're sitting on, through the clear head
Lol I gave it about 3 more weeks after that photo, was just showing how the lens worked
none of those little clips work on my phone, too small, they won't reach the camera lens. i like playing games and watching video so i got the biggest phone i could find at the time.
it's 6 inches by 3.5, so those little clips are all too small
I have a galaxy note 9 and mine fits, I just have to take the case off so I use my handheld most of the time and the little lens for bug checks in hard to reach spots(scrog nets)
I have a galaxy note 9 and mine fits, I just have to take the case off so I use my handheld most of the time and the little lens for bug checks in hard to reach spots(scrog nets)
i'd put it on and take a picture of it, but......that's kind of like trying to take a picture of the back of your own head....
Thank you all guys...really
Dont want to sound smart because I really learning about growing
The world of seed say that this is 100 % pure indica landrace...

Really want to try the lower bud but lower buds looking more white then that top colas

I really hoping that this weed gone get me high so I will wait...
I order x60 microscope...that is the strongest that I can get...fucking small country in europe...

Will i see trichomes clear with 60x
Thank you all guys...really
Dont want to sound smart because I really learning about growing
The world of seed say that this is 100 % pure indica landrace...

Really want to try the lower bud but lower buds looking more white then that top colas

I really hoping that this weed gone get me high so I will wait...
I order x60 microscope...that is the strongest that I can get...fucking small country in europe...

Will i see trichomes clear with 60x
pretty clear, my little jewelers loupe is 60/ can see better through the 90, but it's half the size and you have to squint a little
This happen over night..very strange and yellowing 2 leaves...

Is this bud rot. :(

Have microscope now.. 0 amber yet lot clear...

What to do to save crop?
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I m freaking out here and you post some shit That you need a advice..
Fuckin open New thread with your problem...

So Roger you dont think this is a rot ?
not yet. blow those pics up, all those little mushroom looking things are trichomes, which are the primary source of thc in the plant. they should be 80%+ milky, 5-10% amber when you harvest. when they're still clear, they're not ripe. cloudy is ripe, and amber is over ripe. you want to start seeing a few ambers before you harvest, so you know the main mass of the trichs are ready.
also, try to look at the ones on the calyxes, the trichs that form on sugar leaves are more exposed, and age faster, so a lot of them will turn amber before the ones on your trichs are ready.
i'd say you have at least two more weeks, maybe as much as a month. they'll "swell" about two weeks before they're done, the buds will pack on some weight and they should start their swell soon.
as far as light goes, more is better up to the saturation point. all of the elements of a grow room are important, but lighting is probably the single biggest factor as far as quality and yield. you can have everything else dialed in perfectly, and if you have insufficient light, you're not going to achieve much. don't use that as an excuse to ignore any other factors in your grow room, but remember, they eat light, if you starve them, they're never going to get fat
Thanks a lot. I just added a 1000w led to the mix. Buy now I'm dealing with high temperatures and low humidity. Can't seem to get the temp lower then 82 degrees and the humidity is at 30%
82 is good for leds. what is important is the temperature of your canopy. h.i.d. lights (metal halide and high pressure sodium) radiate a lot of ambient heat, and warm up the surface of your canopy more, so you want the air temps at canopy height to be in the mid to low 70s to keep the actual canopy in the right range. leds emit a lot less radiant heat, so you want your temps to be in the low 80s to maintain a proper canopy temperature.
30 is low, i'd just go buy a small cheap cool mist humidifier. they have them for round 25 bucks at walmart, you can fiddle with the settings till its pretty close to where you want it. in veg, i let it stay in the 60% area, the flower room hovers around 45%. they like it higher, but so does botrytis, and powdery mildew.....
82 is good for leds. what is important is the temperature of your canopy. h.i.d. lights (metal halide and high pressure sodium) radiate a lot of ambient heat, and warm up the surface of your canopy more, so you want the air temps at canopy height to be in the mid to low 70s to keep the actual canopy in the right range. leds emit a lot less radiant heat, so you want your temps to be in the low 80s to maintain a proper canopy temperature.
30 is low, i'd just go buy a small cheap cool mist humidifier. they have them for round 25 bucks at walmart, you can fiddle with the settings till its pretty close to where you want it. in veg, i let it stay in the 60% area, the flower room hovers around 45%. they like it higher, but so does botrytis, and powdery mildew.....
Thanks so much. I'll check out a humidifier for sure.