Please help me with harvest


Active Member
The trich's are milky, with no sign of ambering yet, you're in the sweet spot. If they were mine, I'd watch them closely. As long as the plants remain healthy and there's no sign of bud rot, I'd keep 'em going awhile longer. Once a few turn amber, I'd harvest. But you won't be disappointed if you chopped 'em now either.


New Member
That was my thoughts however would I be best to harvest on a bud by bud basis? There are lower buds a bit blocked from light who don't look as far along so if I harvest the prime buds just as the tricks start to show some amber then let the smaller lower buds get the light they want and let Em grow more?

It actually sounds like how I pick tomatoes from my garden


Well-Known Member
Most times its best to wait for a great percentage to be milky or amber before havesting..that way you just know the others
on the same plant are clear or heading toward white, rarely does a plant if ever just go one color,..other than dark amber..= couch lock