please help me with nutrients/feeding!!!

let me start from the begging. this is my second time growing, first time was so so but i know i can do better i just had money problems. so let me begin i went straight into flowering. i had some clones in hydro and soil. i decided to go with soil this time i used what i had and went to home depot and got this kellogg that is supposed to be organic. so i looked on line about this product and everyone swears by fox farm ocean Forrest. so i headed to the hydro store and picked up a few bags of it i also picked up 6 five gallon buckets picked up a few nutrients also here is what i picked up. 1. coco wet 2. grow more bio cozyne 3. rapid-start root enhancement 4. CaMag + 5. fox farm big bloom and tiger bloom, 7. liquid karma from sea weed. so so i notice that my leafs were burning due to over feed. so the guy told me to go home and flush my soil with 3 gall of clean water per each gallon in pot. so i did 15 gallon per 5 gallon bucket. so i spend the day transfering my plants to new pots and with new soil. i flushed each plant. the guy at the hydro store said to mix foxfarm big bloom, grow more bio cozyne, rapidroot and liquid karma. he said to feed and let the soil dry out again then feed with R/O water with CaMag + then let it dry out again then to go and do tigerbloom and u 3/4 of a TSP per gallon and use liquid karma. ok here are my questions
1. was this guy right
2. what would u guys recommend to feed and how much
3. when i feed how many gallons do i pour for a 5 gallon tub
4.i am having trouble reading feeding chart. can u play lay it down on me in lame terms lol
5. my plants are flushed so anyone please tell me what to do, how to feed it your advise or what would you do if u were me



Dude, if you're using fox farm ocean forest you don't need to feed them any nutrients for at least a month while they're vegging, just plain old water.

If your plants are burned flush them and the next time you feed nutrients just give it half a dose.

But if you're still vegging don't give them anything but water, sounds like you may be a little anxious and getting carried away. Sit down, rolls a joint, take a deep breath.


My watering container is two gallons, if I'm starting with a new strain I add 2 teaspoons of tiger bloom, and one table spoon of big bloom. I also add some Open Sesame.

That is only half a dose, if it seems to tolerate it well after a couple feedings I start adding more.



  • 3. when i feed how many gallons do i pour for a 5 gallon tub​

Assuming you have drainage holes, when the bucket starts puking water out of the bottom.
they are not vegging no more i put them in flowering under a 400/600 watt hps. u are right i am anxious its my nature hahaha. i got 4 teens from my friend and 2 from a person. they were are 14in i changed them into a 5 gallon with this kellogg stuff i got so i dumped the plant with soil from veg into a 5 gallon with kellogg soil. i read that it was not good and blah blah so on friday i paid a visit to the hydro store and told them i notice my plants had tip burn n told me it was over nutes so he said to flush them and use the rapid root so the roots can colonize so at this point my plants are completely flushed. i am lost here so flushing the soil mean that i depleded all the nutes right? if so then this means i have to add new stuff in to it. i am a newb to this its a learning process so i am here to learn thanks for your time guys.
thanks zombie! so this is what the guy told me. to flush let it dry out then 1. feed with fertelizer and he told me to mix this the big bloom, grow more bio cozyne, CaMag+ rapidroot, liquid karma. 2. he said to let soil dry out then feed it water with CaMag+ liquid karma then to let it dry out again 3. then use tiger bloom, liquid karma, CaMag+ then let soil dry out then start all over from 1, again how does this sound to you or do u have a better way to mix this nutes i have in my pictures. whats your advise


All I use when using fox farm ocean forest soil is the fox farm trio, big bloom, tiger bloom, grow big. I also use the cha ching, open sesame, and beasty bloomz.

Really all you need to pull off a successful grow is grow big, tiger bloom, and big bloom. Also mix 3 table spoons of dolomite lime per gallon of dirt, that's it dude, you won't need any of that other shit you bought.


Well-Known Member
please pardon me for butting in....I have a question, what is the difference between the two trios? (GB,TB,BB) and (CC,OS,BeastyB)