Please help me:')


New Member
IMG_2724.JPG IMG_2727.JPG IMG_2728.JPG Hey you beautiful people, im Getting seriously scared about my plant. She's just over a month old or so and this (see pics) is happening. I don't know if it's supposed to or whatever but it looks terrible and im worried I could lose her. This leaf and its opposite both have the same issue and also now one of the new fan leaves up top has started to get this on its leaf tips! Please help me guys, this auto's life is in your hands:) much love to those who help me!!



Well-Known Member
i've seen clones look like that when the leaves were misted too many times. is your medium constantly wet? causing near constant100% humidity near the soil causing the leaves closest to the soil to rot.


Well-Known Member
yes m8 let the soil dry out a bit inbetween waterings, you might only need to give it a drink 1-2 times a week,it will change as your plant grows, it allows air to get to the roots, if theyre wet all the time then youll end up with problems, also watch the allmix as can be a bit hot for some varietys


Well-Known Member
Looks as tho you may have brushed them with something that might of been on your hand like aftershave, soap etc. All the other leaves look good!
As said before, let it dry some between waterings.


Well-Known Member
Looks like a bit of nute burn to me.
If your plant is still growing, then it will be fine.
Younger plants are more sensitive, as it gets bigger it can candle more.
... and YES, let it dry out between waterings so the roots can get some oxygen.


New Member
Thank you so much guys, really appreciate the help, will add pics of her at a later stage ! just watered yesterday so will wait now xD
reaaaaally appreciate the compliment btw :D so pleased - do you think she will be fine ?


Well-Known Member
weigh your bucket about an hour after watering... wait till you think you should water and weigh it again...wait longer lol. plants have rapid growth spurts right before they dry and wilt from underwatering. your heavy buckets weight after watering is your wet weight. the weight just before you water is your dry weight. now when u think u need to water, weght the bucket and if its not close to the dry weight you wont need to water. obviously the buckets weight will increase as plant mass increases, butas long as you keep good notes, u won't need to guess anymore. all new growers over water, and the plants can go a lot longer between watering than you think.

you will not get good root growth and health if the medium is always wet. roots will not grow if they do not ever need to seek out water due to them always being wet. yield is directly proportional to leaf mass and root mass. you should plan your watering schedule to promote root growth and with good practices your yield will increase. also ph gets screwy if the growing medium doesn't have a wet/dry cycle. i'm rambling sorry


New Member
thank you for the advice, what about the fan leaves at the top, if you look at second pic down and one of the fan leaves is starting to get the same thing on one of its edges, is that the same issue ?


Well-Known Member
in all honesty my vision isn't perfect, but good watering practices will lead to better overall health and less mystery problems. I can't tell from your pic but don't worry too much, there's a such thing as giving your baby too much attention and love. i think they do remarkably better if we just forget about them for a while