please help me


Well-Known Member
its just that i seem to be realizing that my thoughts i have been thinking for the past 5years are becoming a struggle for my subconscious to believe.......its like a battle between fictional coincidence ......and the truth.

this is a serious thread and i feel somewhere in the back of my mind( thoughts ) that this may be true .

but im scared of the truth that for the past 5years has been ...... To be really honest ..... man to man ...... A little immature.

would it be easier for me , not only mentally but physically, to let all these untrue coincidence solid thoughts go and admit the truth to myself ?

please help me .
Yes you should let go of your thoughts and surrender to the truth, the truth is always more practical than any of your perspectives and beliefs. We want to hang on to our beliefs because they are so deeply ingrained in our subconscious, they are woven into the fabric of our personalities, they have a sense of I (ego) attached to them, to accept the truth is like asking a computer to do a task that it is not programed for, you have to accept the truth over and over again until it becomes ingrained in the subconscious, programed directly into the brain, then some of your beliefs may be seen as false or your perspectives of circumstances and situations may change. Don't be afraid of the truth, it can be very valuable and it is always better to face and accept the truth, otherwise you will likely cause suffering for yourself in one way or another, by refuting and resisting it.
Always remember, the truth itself is very often counter-intuitive, just because your subconscious may not be able to accept it does not mean it isn't true, the problem may be in the logic that is ingrained in the subconscious, this is why some truths are so hard to understand, they go against everything we know, or think we know, you have to repeat the logic of the truth many times so that the counter-intuitive becomes intuitive and holds dominion in the mind.
Yes should let go of your thoughts and surrender to the truth, the truth is always more practical than any of your perspectives and beliefs. We want to hang on to our beliefs because they are so deeply ingrained in our subconscious, they are woven into the fabric of our personalities, they are have a sense of I (ego) attached to them, to accept the truth is like asking a computer to do a task that it is not programed for, you have to accept the truth over and over again until it becomes ingrained in the subconscious, programed directly into the brain, then some of your beliefs may be seen as false or your perspectives of circumstances and situations may change. Don't be afraid of the truth, it can be very valuable and it is always better to face and accept the truth, otherwise you will likely cause suffering for yourself in one way or another, by refuting and resisting it.

I concur wholeheartedly.....but what is truth and how does one know when truth has been found/presented? Many have claimed to know the truth or have the truth and yet have been shown to be delusional in the worst of cases and merely mistaken in the lesser. Is the truth really knowable or is it more like perfection? Something to be sought after eternally, with the understanding that it can never be obtained. Consider also, that our perceptions define reality for each of us and that each individual's reality is unique in its whole, while often simultaneously sharing many similar characteristics of the reality of others. So too, I believe, is the nature of truth. While it may contain similarities to what others perceive as truth, each individuals truth varies from all others on the whole.

Which is why I asked what Quantum held as truth.

I concur wholeheartedly.....but what is truth and how does one know when truth has been found/presented? Many have claimed to know the truth or have the truth and yet have been shown to be delusional in the worst of cases and merely mistaken in the lesser. Is the truth really knowable or is it more like perfection? Something to be sought after eternally, with the understanding that it can never be obtained. Consider also, that our perceptions define reality for each of us and that each individual's reality is unique in its whole, while often simultaneously sharing many similar characteristics of the reality of others. So too, I believe, is the nature of truth. While it may contain similarities to what others perceive as truth, each individuals truth varies from all others on the whole.

Which is why I asked what Quantum held as truth.
What is truth? Such a great question. Perhaps the truth is not an answer to a question but is something much bigger, but there are both objective and subjective truths, which can be explained by logic (physics, objective) and which can be expressed intuitively (metaphysics, subjective). Yes the subjective is completely a matter of perspective but the objective is a matter of solid evidence and reasoning.
its just that i seem to be realizing that my thoughts i have been thinking for the past 5years are becoming a struggle for my subconscious to believe.......its like a battle between fictional coincidence ......and the truth.

this is a serious thread and i feel somewhere in the back of my mind( thoughts ) that this may be true .

but im scared of the truth that for the past 5years has been ...... To be really honest ..... man to man ...... A little immature.

would it be easier for me , not only mentally but physically, to let all these untrue coincidence solid thoughts go and admit the truth to myself ?

please help me .

Dude. That's why I smoke me meds. It helps you brush the anxiety aside. Find some of the dreamy stuff and stay away from the noid if you can. Imagine a good life when you get in panic attack mode. Lie down in a dark room and let yourself smile and feel good. Don't let this stuff overwhelm you and take over your life! It will. Get a job or a hobby and be productive and proud of your accomplishments and not all kinda down on yesterday. Feel better brah.
Normal is also a relative concept. Just be you.

However, if you see coincidence where there is none, then yes. You should absolutely let go of those types of thoughts. The plaques I have on the wall don't qualify me to tell you how to achieve this, but personal experience would suggest that you should focus less on the causality or relationships of events and accept them simply as is. Know that what happened, happened because that was the only way it could happen, at that time, in this portion of the multiverse.
in England there's a subconscious thought of the word "so"

you can be the biggest dickhead known to man ( which we've all been especially the uk posse )but if you admit it, and you think "so"......then everything will be allright...... Mentally.

i have to admit the truth and think "so" about it.

in America the words ....."whatever"

i understand now :)....... You can earn lot of respect this way, and there's GOOD possibilitie i can save my sanity......if not it will improve my spelling ;)

thank you again :) i admit i do need help but not the medical type ..... I think it may be this what's making me sick .

thanks again.
in England there's a subconscious thought of the word "so"

you can be the biggest dickhead known to man ( which we've all been especially the uk posse )but if you admit it, and you think "so"......then everything will be allright...... Mentally.

i have to admit the truth and think "so" about it.

in America the words ....."whatever"

i understand now :)....... You can earn lot of respect this way, and there's GOOD possibilitie i can save my sanity......if not it will improve my spelling ;)

thank you again :) i admit i do need help but not the medical type ..... I think it may be this what's making me sick .

thanks again.

I like your new avatar, very funny.

to not struggle with fictional coincidence's......and live a normal life , mentally and physicaly.

that is what the truth would be.

these wrong thoughts are seriously damaging my mental health .
Define fictional coincidences. Can you give an example. How do you know they are fictional, again the truth is very often counter-intuitive, do you have a feeling that they are fictional or do you have solid reason?
You realize you are uncomfortable with your thoughts and you've chosen to question them, your already taking positive steps mate. On a side note there is some serious scaremongering going on at the minute especially over the internet. Switch your computer off if you find yourself steering toward unhealthy subjects. No nwo, nibiru, Satanism, Islamic State, aliens, meteorite's. Stay grounded get into some nature and sit down to arrange your thoughts brov, it's what I do.
its just that i seem to be realizing that my thoughts i have been thinking for the past 5years are becoming a struggle for my subconscious to believe.......its like a battle between fictional coincidence ......and the truth.

this is a serious thread and i feel somewhere in the back of my mind( thoughts ) that this may be true .

but im scared of the truth that for the past 5years has been ...... To be really honest ..... man to man ...... A little immature.

would it be easier for me , not only mentally but physically, to let all these untrue coincidence solid thoughts go and admit the truth to myself ?

please help me .
Go see a shrink and get med's. Seriously, I was a mess. Tried it all, drugs/alcohol/sex/vegetarian /Buddist/ more drugs and then Zoloft. Made all the difference.
, do you have a feeling that they are fictional or do you have solid reason?
i just have this subconscious battle with normality ....... But the subconscious keep winning , if you know what i mean .

i can see they are nice people out there, and they're not all out to be honest i need to forget all of the immaturity and just start again..... I would be happy i know this to be true.
in realize now that my subconscious decides the meaning of many words i like to question ..... What is normality, what is fact , what is coincidence.etc etc etc and what is truth .

my subconscious will decide what's right ...not me constantly fighting the truth .