Please help my plant


my plants are about a week and a half old from sprout. im a new grower and my leaves on the one plant are curling up from the side and look a bit dry. i no im not under watering and i no that theres not to much heat. could it be the humidity?. i feed them half of what im suppose to just because there bag seeds and they are still very young. the bigger plant had a pest problem so i sprayed with some organic stuff. had salts and other harmfull stuff i messed up and sprayed in the soil a few times and think that it might be also the problem. but my other plant seems to be doing that same just in a slower process. all the help in the world would be nice. heres a video



Well-Known Member
okay u dont need to feed her for 3 weeks ( estimate on most soils) then your lights u need to turn sideways so more light get to your plant and she will like that, and then since that looks like 3 gal or 5 gal bucked make sure u have alot of holes at the bottom and make sure your ph is 6.5 :) and then u will need more lights as u go on might want to invest in a HID


Well-Known Member
humidity could be if its to low the plant will sweat its self out, as for nutes i would wait till week2-3 from seed i got by as the first week after it pops up from the soil is the seedling stage and you dont need any nutes, after that week you could start to give at 1/4 strength it says, but since its marical grow im not sure on the n-p-k but its porbably low. try misting the plant with a good soft mister and have like a cup of water in the room it helps with humidity a bit, and try lowering your lights a bit cfls lose lumens the farther away it is, usaully you can get to about 2-5 ins away depending on the heat it produces.


thanks. i cut back on nutes,water and added more light and changed light position's. the one plant still has some scars but it is growing green still. i think the pest spray might have had some what to do with it. thanks for the help and much more will be grate