Please help my plants are getting worse


Well-Known Member
2 weeks old lr/ak47 their edges of the leaves started to dry in paches and the they started to get yellow now the growth seems to stop.this started after 3-4 days under cfls 23wx5 every plant had one and the tem 24c humidity they are under a 430 hps same conditions 65cm from the light



Well-Known Member
i live in europe so the soil u wouldnt recognize,it has a 6.5 ph its german seedling something, and i did grow 7 diferent strains in it before and had no problems,i did give em nutes abot 4 days ago but just 1/4 of recomended dose but it didnt make it better it looked to me like a deficiency but now i dont think so,what can i do every day its worse