Please help, noobie here. I need suggestions on my grow room.

Area: Wooden box, 8 ft tall, 4 ft wide and 2.5 ft deep. It has a door that latches shut.

Equipment: 1000 W HPS, Squirrel Cage Fan (465 cfm) running through a carbon filter and to the outside. I also have two mounted, oscillating fans and an intake fan, which can be attached to the AC unit with a little duct love. My ballast is off the floor, placed on two bricks. Everything with a plug is going through a moderately expensive surge protector, which is plugged into the wall via a 14 gauge extension cord.

Flora: 7 plants that came from Nirvana seeds, 6 sprouted in 3 days, the other came the following day. I've been watering every other and plan on starting the nutes in a week. I'm using Fox Farm's ocean blend as the medium. The PH is currently reading at 7. There is 5-6 feet between the lights and the plant, but I think the wattage is ok for the area.

The temp has been down around 80 and humidity steady at 50-55. Am I going in the right direction? I'm extremely paranoid and have attempted to cover all worse case scenarios. The major problem is that I live in a major city and my building is close quarters. Any suggestions or feedback would be appreciated, thanks a lot.


Well-Known Member
Make sure to stop every and any light leaks people may see from your windows.Many people get caught on accident this way because someone happens to spot it from the street or a porch. Dont throw your grow trash away in the trash or recycling. Save it all and dump it off at a commercial dumpster. You dont need a warrant to search trash on the street. Does your ballast or cage vibrate? Placing your ballast on a rubber mat or something to dull the vibration. Dont have people over, obviously.

Everything sounds great so far. Where does your air empty out too? Are you on a 2nd floor, basement? I had read its best to vent as high above places where people may walk and catch a wiff. Also, to mask smell use cedar mulch on parts of non potplants flower gardens you may happen to have around, helps with smell.

Cant wait to see how this turns out.
Thanks for the feedback Corners. There is minimal light escaping. I put weather stripping on the exterior of the door, and plan to do the same to the interior. The cage has a subtle vibration, but it is placed on a blanket. Also, the cage is sturdy as can be and the vibrations that begin at the top of the box due to the equipment fade before they reach the bottom. I live on the first floor, not ground level, but first elevated floor. My exhaust goes through a DIY carbon can filter, and two more layers of filtering before it reaches the outside. My ballast is elevated off the ground, placed on two bricks. Thanks again.