Please help not sure if dyeing, not sure if I should remove a plant from hydroponics

Fresh herbs

New Member
Ok so I am new at this, I have a hydroponic setup. I've done a ton of research. I'm using the technaflora recipe for success nutrients. I have hydroton rocks and Rockwell. Ph 5.5 gloves for when I do anything. Also added an extra air tube. So things seemed ok but my box wasn't fully level for about 8 hours so the back 3 did not receive water for that time. They have been look a little funky especially the back middle. I will post some good pictures and any opinions,advice and anything you guys want to share about my plants my setup anything I would greatly appreciate it. I am trying to do this right. Thank you btw they are about they are about 5 days after germination. image.jpgimage.jpgimage.jpgimage.jpgimage.jpgimage.jpgimage.jpgimage.jpg


Well-Known Member
OK, I know nothing about your hydro setup but let me get this straight.....

You wear gloves of a specific pH of 5.5 when you touch things in your grow?

Tell me that ain't so! Seriously man that just fucking blows my mind. Tell me I have misunderstood you, please.

Fresh herbs

New Member
I've read that disturbing the ph can fuck shit up even by touching it. So I figured what's the extra $10 and 2 seconds to put them on.


Well-Known Member
I would say that their biggest threat at this point is a paranoid owner with too much free time ;)

They look fine.


Well-Known Member
I've read that disturbing the ph can fuck shit up even by touching it.
I think you are trying to say you can change the pH of something by touching it?

You wanna wear surgical garb around your plants that's cool, but don't believe everything you read.


Well-Known Member
That little guy looks awfully wet and I am wondering if that might be the problem with it. Until your roots get out of your pots, be carefull that they don't drown. Moist not wet is important at this stage with seedlings. You might even want to water by hand until your roots emerge and get to your water. Just my opinon of course. Good luck and have a Happy 420!