please help. Nute burn or def. two plants affected, each treated different way+pics


Active Member
hi there,
I've been asking for help abbout five days ago. I have 2 plants and both of them don't look very good. Its my first grow and I appreciate any help. I can't get hold of PH meter at the moment, just shitty soil one, but I should have a proper one delivered pretty soon. My water i use is abbout 7ph and soil 5.6. I flushed one plant about 7 days ago and stopped giving any nutes to other one. just water. (the flushed one is the worse one) 2 days after I cut all dead leaves. There was no improvement on the flushed one, but the other one is getting slightly better. I gave to both of them 1/4 of recomended ammout of nutes and bit of trace mix nutes, as I thought it was mg def right on begining. I don't know how long it takes to see any difference, but it doesn't look good at all. It is now getting to higher leaves and as you can see. starting on tips. some of them are curling upwards and the plant is loosing green colour. I don't think now it was nute def after an advise from some of you guys (thanks AZ) but rather nute burn, but what is puzzling me, is that the flushed (and repoted plant) wasn't doing any better
please help!
well now other thing. The better plant has balls (why the better one for fuck sake!) But I am quite confident it has pestils with white hairs on top. But on most of the branches it's balls. If it's hermie, how many buds I can get out of it. Can they grow out of places, where balls are? Or just where the pestils are now? ( its on 24/7 veggie at the moment).
Right, that's about everything for now. any oppinions appreciated!



Well-Known Member
when a plant is strees it can take days to recover so, they just stop what they should be doing, (GROWING) and start to repair this is like a sleep for them. just keep feeding them water once a day i always trim the tips and any other dead matter if its still green leave it alone but if its dead get rid it will only promote desiaese later and a lot of TLC will go a long way


Active Member
thanks for reply. But, what i cant get my head around is why flushed one is not improving and the other one is getting better. And any idea about that hermie?