Please Help Part II (PICS)


Active Member
For anyone that's read my last posts I'm posting an update with additional pics as well as an update on some other things that might help someone diagnose the problem...

Rundown: This is a DWC System. My last crop I lost due to root rot as I didn't know the res had to be kept at such a low temp. I flushed the entire system with h202 and then alcohol and then water... I then moved new plants in and started with fresh nutes. The first round of nutes I had also added Piranha and Tarantula powders which are supposed to cultivate good bacteria... After being in the tub for three days there was way too much culture going on and my plants were turning light green and splotchy (see pics) so I removed the plants, flushed the system itself and then put in new nutes with no powder and no organics incase I have to go for h2o2...

These plants have about 1/4 inch of roots protruding from the net pots and the have pretty much stopped growing. The leaves are now curling around the edges and the spots are getting worse. I have since turned off the drip emitters and the roots are not touching the water. I also flushed the plants to see if it would help...

Here's another oddity... The pH continues to rise quickly and the TDS is actually rising as well... It was at 650 last night and this morning it is 900?! The water in the res hasn't moved at through the system, it's just being oxygenated...

I really don't want to lose another crop... any help is very much appreciated!

