Please help! (Pics)

I posted several days ago and I was told to just flush my plant and leave it alone, but the plant is still getting steadily worse. Im not sure what it is, im guessing nute burn, but many of the leaves have a yellowish burnt look.. Also the top leaves look wilted and are very purple and their stems have shrivled up. Its under 4 27w cfl's, i recently put tin foil around my box, dont really think this could cause a problem but I have heard that it could cause hot spots. Please someone help! Thanks!


i would recommend you to flush for about 1-2 weeks and den steadily add the dosage becuz it look like serious nute burns and remove the foil it causes alot of unnecessary heat


Well-Known Member
Flushing can be very helpful yes, but only if you know exactly WHY you are flushing. No offence to Mr waterworks whose advise could do the trick. But I'm just saying.
IMO everyone's a little flush happy up in here. LOL
What are you growing in?
What are you feeding her?
What is you PH, and method of testing it?