Please Help, Plants look like theyre dying!


Active Member
My friend is growing Lowryder2 x ak47, but they seem to be dying =S They are about 3 and a half weeks old (exept the one to the left, it sproutet a week later then all the others). The newest leafes are yellow, they are curling and got brown spots and copper-like spots on the lower leafes. Can someone please help identify what this is? Is it just nute- deficiency or could it be mites or some kind of decease? The humidity is a bit low, between 30-40 %, is this a problem? Unfortunatly she doesnt own a EC-meter, but the PH has always been between 5 and 6. The plants in the back seem to have died completely, and this has happened over the last weeek...Its the brown spots that just spread out on the youngest leafes and they just curl away and die! And now its happening to the "big" one in the middle as well! The nutrients that are used is Canadian Express (wilt guard, regen-a-root and Xpress Hydro Growth). In the begginning she used about half of what was suggested in the bottle of the Xpress Hydro (which is the nutrient), since she was afraid of nuteburn, but after one and a half week they started to turn yellow, so more nutrients were added, but probably not enough. The system has been flushed every week, but its only been 5 days with the exact amount of nutrient that is suggested on the bottle. The yellow seem to be going away, but the brown spots keep growing larger, Can someone please help ?? And is it normal for the plants to be this small?



Well-Known Member
stop using nutes, u r burning the shit out of em! Dont use nutes till about 4 weeks. Seedlings LOVE water so just water until u get run off (through the drainage holes) and then leave and repeat when the soil is dry again.


Active Member
stop using nutes, u r burning the shit out of em! Dont use nutes till about 4 weeks. Seedlings LOVE water so just water until u get run off (through the drainage holes) and then leave and repeat when the soil is dry again.
okay but I thought the yellow and the copper-like spots was sign of nute-deficiency..? Isnt nute burn supposed to show at the egdes of the leaves? The brown spots started as small spots in the middle of the leaf then grew larger...Im confused =(

Not using soil, hydro...And soft water, so are u sure there shouldnt be nutes in the water at all? they are soon 4 weeks old now..


Active Member
its not me but a friend...

It is Aerogarden deluxe and two extra lights, one red and one white at 125 w each . I dont understand why they are so small ? They get 18 hours of light a day, the pump is of when lights are off...


Well-Known Member
well the pots u r using look tiny. you need to transplant to bigger pots when the roots grow to the sides. You need to get those lights as close to the plants as possible (few inches) put ur hand between the light and top of the plant, if its too hot for ur hand then its too hot for the plant


Active Member
first of all, for 4 weeks they are awfully stunted plants, you should start off using quater strenth nutes in hydro. then move up to half strenth.
secondly it is never advisable to give the full dosage rate on the bottle, !! for hydro you want the e.c to start off @ 0.8 -1.0 , then max i go during veg is 1.2. during flower 1.8- 2.0 depending on strain growing. some like higher e.c some dont!!
DO THIS!! flush with water for 24 hours, drain res and refill using 1/4 of the recommended nutrient on the bottle!!! untill you see signs of fresh growth! then use half strenth feed, then when they aare in full swing 3/4 strenth! if the plants lower leaves begin to yellow at that stage increase feeds slightly i.e a extra 1ml per litre in your res!

your pump should run 24 hours a day in nft! when your water is not being circulated the e.c will rise and ph will lower. if you must turn off the pump at night use a air pump and stone. this will help stabalize the ph of still water. and will give your roots some much loved co2!

these are recoverable but imho i would pull and start again! these should be going into flower by now!! instead of waisting time and waiting for them to revive i would start again with a little help and some reading. and 3-4 weeks your new seedling will be going into flower!!!

out of curiosity what nutes are you using?
the full strenth on the bottles is for growing tree's m8, get your self a cheap e.c meter! you can pick up a used 1 for 20 25 £ on ebay. seen a 6 week old blue lab go for £18 last week! if i didnt have 2 i would of owned that 1. lol.


Active Member
btw in hydro if you dont use a soft nute at the from the beginning they will die! if in soil theres no need for a veg feed at all!!! once you know what your doing!