please help plants! *PICS* ph? nutes? what is it?


Active Member
It does sound like the nutes in the soil are to rich for them at there age. If you have more seeds but dont want to throw away the soil perhaps start them off in rockwool until they are bigger and better able to handle the strength of the soil.

Get you a TDS tester and measure the amount of nutes in the soil. In my hydro system the ideal range is 800-1200 ppm of the nutes. I like to keep mine more towards 800 and increase towards 1200 in the flowering stage when they need the extra nutes for budding.

It it were a batch of good seeds, I would resoil. If you don't have much involved at this point, then starting over would be the way to go I think.

Even if you flush the grow pot, you will still have a high nute level because the osmocote is time released. That problem won't go away until you change soil.