Please help save my friend's plants! PICS


Active Member
So my foreign friend doesn't know english and so I'm posting this for her:

She started with 10 white widow seeds from Nirvana seeds and Dr. Chronic gave her a free 10 mystery pack.

She planted 12 in a 50/50 mix of peat moss and perlite. 9 sprouted, but were stretching bad so she put them under a 400w mh bulb. It seems the bulb was possibly too close, the plants were growing but their stems were realllllyyyy thin and they were falling over, so eventually all but 2 died.

She planted some more, and they came up. This time she used a 600w mh bulb in a vented reflector placed 3 feet above the plants. They were watered every other day and seemed to be doing fine. After they got about 3-4" tall, she started giving them half dose of high nitrogen soluble fertilizer every other watering (every 4 days).

They continued to grow, but then started getting spots and browned edges/tips. She checked the PH of the tap water, and it tested 7.6 with an aquarium liquid ph test. The last watering, she mixed some vinegar with the water to drop the ph down to 6.8. I want to add that these plants are 5 weeks old, why so small compared to others I've seen?

Do these pictures look like PH problems? Nutrient burn? EH?




Well-Known Member
looks like nutrient burn let them grow with a lower feed for a while. the plant is like a baby it only eats so much.


Active Member
Yeah she isn't going to feed them any more until whatever is wrong clears up.

Any more advice? Would PH cause this or is it most likely not the problem?


Well-Known Member
yup, just plain water for quite a while.

Look over watered and over nute'd.

At least they are very young, no great loss if they die. (I *certainly* hope they don't)


Well-Known Member
1. flush NOW
2. no more nutrients
3. bring Ph down to 6.3- 6.5
4. make sure the light idnt too close
5. mist when light is OFF
6. only water when soil is nearly dry
7. ull need fans on it to strengthen it up


Active Member
1. flush NOW
2. no more nutrients
3. bring Ph down to 6.3- 6.5
4. make sure the light idnt too close
5. mist when light is OFF
6. only water when soil is nearly dry
7. ull need fans on it to strengthen it up
Thanks, all sounds good. Just have a few questions:

How can she flush these pots when they don't have holes in the bottom? How can she bring the ph down when she flushes them or do she need to just keep filling buckets with tap, fixing ph, then flushing...or will it be ok with tap ph (7.2-7.8) until the next watering? Light is 3ft above the plants, not enough? Temp stays 70s-80s. How far down should the soil be dry? She usually tests it 1-2" down and if she feels moisture, won't water again. It won't hurt them if the top 2-3" is bone dry?

An oscillating fan is on them 24/7.


Active Member
The pots have holes, but they have a tray on the bottom they drip into. If she flushes them, will enough water come out to not worry about overwatering?


Well-Known Member
the idea is to over water to flush excess nutes and salts fromt eh oil, then leave fro 1 week then start nutes again hope this work


Active Member
the idea is to over water to flush excess nutes and salts fromt eh oil, then leave fro 1 week then start nutes again hope this work

You aren't the only one :) Thanks for the help, hopefully will have some GOOD pictures for you folks in a couple weeks.